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Forums - General Discussion - Whats the longest you have been awake for?

Just about every time I fly on a plane I break 30 hours. One time I did 35 hours (with no food either). One time I did about 40-50 (I remember I really wanted to break 50 but I failed, don't remember when though) just to see how long I could go when I was about 13. Then I slept for about 14 hours. I read that no matter how long you've been awake, any amount of sleep beyond 12 hours is a waste, and 12 is the most you'd ever need. After 12 I guess you're just trying to sleep off the headache but not actually recharging anymore.

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The Ghost of RubangB said:
Just about every time I fly on a plane I break 30 hours. One time I did 35 hours (with no food either). One time I did about 40-50 (I remember I really wanted to break 50 but I failed, don't remember when though) just to see how long I could go when I was about 13. Then I slept for about 14 hours. I read that no matter how long you've been awake, any amount of sleep beyond 12 hours is a waste, and 12 is the most you'd ever need. After 12 I guess you're just trying to sleep off the headache but not actually recharging anymore.


Interesting, I slept for about 16 hours a month back, I was in a deep sleep obviously.


I have stuff to do today so the earliest I can sleep will be at 38 hours, except I'm not going to bed midday because thats just depressing. Will try and stay up till 10 to get back into a normal sleeping pattern, Heck I might break that 50 hour mark you were trying for ;)


30+ hours. I didn reach 35 so 30+ dont know exactly.

I was on my PC when I tried going to sleep with a podcast (1UP Yours) it ended next thing I knew it was morning so I showered and stayed up........then knocked out a few hours later.=P

~28 hours... and yes, it was because gaming :P

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

More than 24 hours awake you people must of been on some heavy drugs such as Speed or Cocaine.
Lack of sleep is a terrible thing and can inevitably lead to an early death.

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I think 36 hours. It was a long time ago though.

edit: 35 (I counted wrong :) hours and counting!... I think.

I just had to finish 2 5'000 word essays for art and photography A-level, with another 2'000 words analysis of photographs and paintings for each essay each! plus I then had to lay it all out and stick into A3 books. I literally handed them in with 30 seconds to spare before my teachers left about 15 minutes ago. I know I shouldnt even try and sleep cos the stress of it all has given me insomnia :'(

Plus my friends are trying to get me to come out tonight.

Probably 24.

In the Airforce, me and the guy I enlisted with stayed up the night before running the streets of Florida. When we finally got there, the instructors tore into our asses "Full Metal Jacket" style. Then they told our squad to go to bed.......about thirty seconds later, they turned the lights back on and made us get up so that they could yell at us some more! Didn't get to go to sleep until the next night.

Had to be well over 48 hours. Nothing amazing, but I had never been so tired.

7:00 am to 10:00 pm the following day = 39 hours

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it