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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What will win JRPG of the year and why?

Torillian said:
Khuutra said:
Soriku said:
superbeast1370 said:
what's with all the morons talking about WRPGs? we're talking about JRPGs, not bald space marines.



The male player character in Mass Effect has a shaved head and is in space, so he's generally lumped in with the marines for some reason

But seriously isn't JRPG a bit too narrow? Why not just "RPG"? I'm sure plenty of people will give answers that aren't Fallout 3.


Some people prefer JRPG's and want to have a thread about them without people piping in about Fable 2 or Fallout 3.  I really don't see the issue, if you prefer WRPG's then obviously this just isn't the thread for you, but feel free to make a WRPG equivalent.

Hey, not at all, I got nothing against it, I'm just asking why out of curiosity, not out of stand-offishness. It's just very narrow - it would be like making a "best WRPG" or "best SRPG" thread, which again are all extremely narrow.

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Well personally I think the discussion makes sense because there are enough options to argue over. ToV, VC, LO, and Persona 4 are all highly lauded by forum goers and therefore there's a discussion to be had. WRPG's could probably work as well, but I'm unsure of exactly which titles would be in the running other than Fable 2 and Fallout 3 since WRPG's are not my cup of tea.

As far as SRPG's go, that is far more stringent of a category than the other two and the running would really only be between Disgaea 3 and VC to my knowledge, with VC being the clear winner.


Torillian said:
Khuutra said:
Soriku said:
superbeast1370 said:
what's with all the morons talking about WRPGs? we're talking about JRPGs, not bald space marines.



The male player character in Mass Effect has a shaved head and is in space, so he's generally lumped in with the marines for some reason

But seriously isn't JRPG a bit too narrow? Why not just "RPG"? I'm sure plenty of people will give answers that aren't Fallout 3.


Some people prefer JRPG's and want to have a thread about them without people piping in about Fable 2 or Fallout 3.  I really don't see the issue, if you prefer WRPG's then obviously this just isn't the thread for you, but feel free to make a WRPG equivalent.

What you're talking about has nothing to do with this thread. It isn't about preferring one over the other. The OP clearly asked what JRPG was going to win JRPG of the Year on most websites. Keyword: websites. People in this thread corrected the OP by showing that there is no JRPG of the Year category and in fact only an RPG of the Year category. This means Fallout 3 and Fable II both count, and obviously will take most of the awards, mainly Fallout though. Why bother guessing winners out of a bunch of games that most likely won't win a thing? This is Fallout 3's year, and most websites will award it the "honor".


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

So he didn't put a "if sites did a JRPG of the year award" in front of it. Stop trying to mince words just to be able to add in what you want. The topic is about JRPG of the year, like it or get out.


Torillian said:
So he didn't put a "if sites did a JRPG of the year award" in front of it. Stop trying to mince words just to be able to add in what you want. The topic is about JRPG of the year, like it or get out.


In fairness

He did say what would be given JRPG of the year by websites

No need to split hairs, here, we can still run with the topic

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Torillian said:
So he didn't put a "if sites did a JRPG of the year award" in front of it. Stop trying to mince words just to be able to add in what you want. The topic is about JRPG of the year, like it or get out.

Don't assume the OP meant it in a hypothetical way. He could have easily just have though there actually was a category and wanted to make a thread to predict the majority winner. There's nothing wrong with trying to correct someone. No one here I have seen post in this thread has been nasty about it. There's a lot of ways the OP could have asked about JRPGs specifically, by simply not mentioning "websites". Had he simply asked what we felt or thought should win JRPG of the Year, I bet not one of these posts would have happened in regards to WRPGs.

If you want to ignore all of that and simply play fantasyland with you fine folks then here we go. In the perfect world where all RPGs get segmented into their own end of the year award categories:

The World Ends With You would win the coveted "Action JRPG of the Year" award by edging out Tales of Vesperia in a very close race.

Valkyria Chronicles would win the time honored "Strategy JRPG of the Year" award by pulling a landslide victory over Disgaea 3 as Nippon Ichi felt the backlash of editors that were tired of nominating the same game over and over and having it win with only minor upgrades.

Lost Odyssey will beat out the Final Fantasy IV and Chrono Trigger remakes in the ultimate "Turn-Based JRPG of the Year" category as the handheld games split their favorable votes, and console aligned editors win out by only having one legitimate candidate.

Happy now?


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

so the big list of JRPG's, the fact that he asked specifically about JRPG's, are all meaningless as to ascertaining his intent solely because he mentioned websites? And I'm the one assuming, ugh.


memory2zack said:
None of these, Persona 4 will win



I was referring to that shepard dude from Mass Effect.

The original poster said next gen JRPGs only. Persona does not qualify, plus it isn't even out yet. As I said before, Valkyria Chronicles wins hands down for current gen JRPG of the year.
