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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony fans... is it time for a nice slice of humble pie?

SlorgNet said:

I cannot deny the success of Microsoft and the Xbox360, they have truly faught on through and established themselves as the HD console of choice.


Console of choice?

VGChartz data for sales for 2008 to date: Wii 19.8 million, PS3 8.7 million, X360 8.4 million, PS2 6.5 million. Which puts Nintendo at 46% of the console market, Sony at 35% and Microsoft at 19%. Back in 2005, Microsoft had 30% market share.



Sony at 35% ?

I guess you are counting the "Playstation Brand" rather than just Sony's HD console (AKA PS3). As he said, the "HD console of choice"


While the PS3 is currently beating the 360 this year, it's pretty obvious it will outsell the PS3 by year's end.

Not that Sony isn't putting up a great fight, considering the price difference, but who would of thought the sales race would be this close? The PS2 totally dominated the Xbox and Gamecube last gen. You can't tell me you expected the sales to be like this 2 years after launch.


Having said that, I'm playing my PS3 every day. Either games or streaming video content from my PC.

Haven't touched the 360 or Wii in months.

Currently Playing:
Resistance 2 Co-op (anyone call for a Medic?)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PC)
F.E.A.R. (PC)

Currently Ignoring:
My 360 and Wii.

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Mmmmm... pie.

Dodece said:

I applaud you sir for being a class act. This is what the official thread on the subject should have been. Unfortunately it was more a derogatory flaming thread. Full of jibe and insult for my taste. Here is hoping that other posters take their cue from you, and post in a civil manner. I also hope this thread is not locked, because this is a healthy thread full of win. You want to eat the pie now good for you its like pulling off a adhesive bandage. One quick yank is better then ripping one hair out at a time. For those who do not want to eat the pie just say your not ready yet to throw in the towel, and politely give your reasons.

However I must say I created a thread about exactly where members on these forums would draw the line of defeat. The average point of concession, and for all those claiming it is not time now. Why did you not respond to that thread, and provide a number it had hundreds of views, and was filled with a lot of intelligent commentary. So if you have a number in mind why didn't you share it then and there. The only rational reason is that you are afraid to, and you will never concede until it gets ludicrous. Anyway if you have a specific margin you will adhere to then by all means give me the number. I would prefer a sample greater then five.

Thank you Dodece for the gentlemanly response.

As for not responding to your thread, i hadn't seen it although I'm not great with the numbers so probably wouldn't have provided a figure anyway, but since you asked.

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Trouble with this thread; it will not be filled with responses from humbled fans, it'll be filled with posts from folks telling them how childish, arrogant and generally useless they are so it will defeat its own purpose.
Trust me, these things never work out the way you want them too, the average poster in here is too immature (fans of all systems at that).
JGarrett made a fine start and set the bar when telling people to "get off their high horse", knowingly posting it in a thread (I assume) for people wanting a slice of this proverbial humble pie (edit; wasn't all that bad but its just the same old tone in here, is all).

I give this thread the usual 6-7 hours before it is locked.

I don't what this "humble pie" you speak of is. Though I like pie, so I'll find me some other pie.
Seriously though, the PS3 "losing" is good at this point, Sony needed a wake up call. Nintendo got their fingers out of their asses when the Gamecube didn't win, and so Sony will get their fingers out of their asses now to attract costumers.
But even though it is losing, it is still healthy, so even though I bought the "losing" console, Sony's first party line up is all the justification I needed to buy it.

Now, to get some of this satisfaction pie I have been hearing so much about.

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I think its a little early to count Sony out just yet.

After all it is still double the price of the 360 arcade so still lots of time left for them.





Most people had no clue that Nintendo was going to come back in full force and come out on top. Sony will be fine. Nintendo has skated around for a few generations with mediocre numbers.

I wouldn't count Sony out yet. They are still even competing with themselves by selling the PS2. Sony just had to change their strategy after seeing Nintendo mesmerize the marketplace.

I'm not entirely sure what you're getting at. I have both consoles and as much as I like the 360, I still think the PS3 is better. And I wouldn't say MS have really done anything special, Nintendo's sucess is vastly more impressive.


All of the consoles are great but I still can not really imagine the 360 completing this gen outselling the PS3. America lost most likely but PS3 will make up for that in Others and Japan the Others market is growing faster than any other market now and it all depends really on how much the Wii takes from the new users in that market if PS3 will overcome.

The way i see it is the average user (in terms of popularity in culture) has

Japan- a Wii and PS2
America- a Wii and 360
Australia and UK- a Wii and 360
Other Europe- Wii and PS3

And they all have a DS and 360 users more likely as with PS3 users to also have a PSP.

"Like you know"

I will never congratulate Microsoft.

End of story.