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Forums - Gaming Discussion - How is Kizuna like SotC

So I got into a debate with Soriku back at the crazy secret staff forums over this and I'd like to know everyone thinks.  Soriku mentioned that SotC fans should look out for this game, and I mentioned that beyond some screens that are mildly reminiscent of SotC that there was no real connection between the two.  When I questioned what made him jump to this conclusion, his response was that I should ask the people who say it, which is apparently "everyone" so here I am.


Here is the image that lead people into calling Kizuna a game like SotC:


Now beyond the pictures on the right side where the guy climbs on a monster and hits it with a sword, what is there that makes people think this game will be like SotC.  Has the creator said that his influence was Team Ico, did they say they wanted to recreate that gamestyle in an RPG, do they intend to have the same kind of amazing atmosphere and art?  What is it that makes "everyone" say this.


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Wait, which game was this again?

This looks more like a Vanillaware game than a Team ICO game.


That doesn't look much like Shadow of the Colossus

No more than fighting Morpheel made Twilight Princess like Shadow of the Colossus

thats just fanboys trying to discredit any promising Wii game that comes out, because if they can think of a game it "obviously ripped off", then they can pretend that the other systems are the only ones with "the hardcorezz"

Soriku said:
lolz, you should tell that to many other people. I personally never said it was like SotC. It looks influenced at least. I mean huge monsters...weak points. But if anything it's like Zelda. Team Ico's games were influenced by Zelda after all.


Huge monsters and weak points is hardly the defining characteristic of Shadow of the Colossus, or something that it started on its own

The fact that there are smaller, weaker enemies kind of shoots it all to Hell

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it will not be as epic as shadow of colossus simply because it try to imitate it.

but it have it similarities.

HUGE bosses, to beat require to hit certain marked weak points.

but all the package team ico (GENIOUS seriously) won't have it.

spdk1 said:

thats just fanboys trying to discredit any promising Wii game that comes out, because if they can think of a game it "obviously ripped off", then they can pretend that the other systems are the only ones with "the hardcorezz"

No way... "Ripped off" or not, a game that's influenced by SotC would immediately catch my interest. I don't think those comments were trying to be hostile, since the game does look good.

As for how one jumps to this conclusion... just a quick glance at these screens is what did it for most, I'd guess.

Er, yeah, that's it. It does make me think of SotC, though the other screens make it obvious the game is going to be different.

Soriku said:
Nobody said it was ripped. In fact, many Nintendo fans said it looked like SotC.

But isn't SotC "teh hardcorezz"?


I remember a post on here, I believe a news post, that was full of trolling of this nature, but yeah ninty fans did the same.  the second part what I meant was the superiority complex we see where HD fanboys deflate a game as shovelware and hype of anything they deem "hardcore" and anything on the wii as shovelware.  case and point, wii owners were stoked to see Tenchu 4 on the wii, HD fanboys ran in and cried "shovelware!", "cash in", "tired franchise" etc....had it been on the HD consoles it would have been a different story.


I loved SotC btw, hopefully this game is half as good.

c0rd said:
spdk1 said:

thats just fanboys trying to discredit any promising Wii game that comes out, because if they can think of a game it "obviously ripped off", then they can pretend that the other systems are the only ones with "the hardcorezz"

No way... "Ripped off" or not, a game that's influenced by SotC would immediately catch my interest. I don't think those comments were trying to be hostile, since the game does look good.

As for how one jumps to this conclusion... just a quick glance at these screens is what did it for most, I'd guess.




Er, yeah, that's it. It does make me think of SotC, though the other screens make it obvious the game is going to be different.


yeah I was generalizing pretty heavily, but I've gotten pissed off by trolls today, don't mind my semi-snarkiness

spdk1 said:

thats just fanboys trying to discredit any promising Wii game that comes out, because if they can think of a game it "obviously ripped off", then they can pretend that the other systems are the only ones with "the hardcorezz"

Are you sure? I don't think comparing a game to SotC is a very effective way of discrediting a game.