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So I got into a debate with Soriku back at the crazy secret staff forums over this and I'd like to know everyone thinks.  Soriku mentioned that SotC fans should look out for this game, and I mentioned that beyond some screens that are mildly reminiscent of SotC that there was no real connection between the two.  When I questioned what made him jump to this conclusion, his response was that I should ask the people who say it, which is apparently "everyone" so here I am.


Here is the image that lead people into calling Kizuna a game like SotC:


Now beyond the pictures on the right side where the guy climbs on a monster and hits it with a sword, what is there that makes people think this game will be like SotC.  Has the creator said that his influence was Team Ico, did they say they wanted to recreate that gamestyle in an RPG, do they intend to have the same kind of amazing atmosphere and art?  What is it that makes "everyone" say this.
