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Soriku said:
Nobody said it was ripped. In fact, many Nintendo fans said it looked like SotC.

But isn't SotC "teh hardcorezz"?


I remember a post on here, I believe a news post, that was full of trolling of this nature, but yeah ninty fans did the same.  the second part what I meant was the superiority complex we see where HD fanboys deflate a game as shovelware and hype of anything they deem "hardcore" and anything on the wii as shovelware.  case and point, wii owners were stoked to see Tenchu 4 on the wii, HD fanboys ran in and cried "shovelware!", "cash in", "tired franchise" etc....had it been on the HD consoles it would have been a different story.


I loved SotC btw, hopefully this game is half as good.