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Forums - Sony Discussion - Killzone 2 graphical comparsion: 2007 Vs. 2008(just wow)

makingmusic476 said:
CGI-Quality said:
@ Jo

Second or even third best of 09, remember there's still plenty of unseen Uncharted 2 and HEAVY RAIN!!!!!!! Regardless, PS3 fans have a AAA exclusive on the way. February CAN'T come soon enough, just look at those graphics, OMFG!!!!!!!!!


God of War III will trump them all. :P

I think. >_>


Can't wait for the 14th.

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OMG!!! Teh POWAAA of Teh C3LL

Now sony should overuse this engine instead of the crappy unreal 3 engine.give it to all of their dev teams so they can pump out games every year to every year and half




SpartanFX said:
Now sony should overuse this engine instead of the crappy unreal 3 engine.give it to all of their dev teams so they can pump out games every year to every year and half

SOCOM IV and Syphon Filter IV with this engine....drools


its like nobody has chins before the upgrade, crazy how much better it looks.

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makingmusic476 said:
The Anarchyz said:
I think the delay was because of Resistance 2, and they did the right call but for the wrong reason, because the real threat was Call of Duty: World at War...

February is good, and it would be even better with a price cut, lets see what happens...

I don't think they were scared of Resistance 2 threatening Killzone 2's sales.   In fact, I'm pretty sure it was the exact opposite.  ;)



That's right, but with R2 and K2 at the same time, both sales would have suffered, R2 more, but still... Now imagine both of them at the same time as CoD5, the real threat...

I thought it looked good a year ago.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

guys here is the disclaimer GG sent with the game and said those mentioned ares till being worked on:

Known Issues

As Killzone2 is work-in-progress and still needs to go through Quality Assurance, the
Killzone 2 Single Player Preview Code does not accurately represent the final retail copy
of Killzone 2. These elements will be remedied for the final Game. Game elements which
are still under development may have been omitted or included in an un-optimized,
placeholder state. These include the following elements:

- Game Intro cinematic, in which the backstory is further explained, is not yet
- Front/end menu designs are placeholder and will be replaced.
- Loading screen content missing. This will display various elements such as
gameplay tactics as well as background on the main cast.
- Dialog / Voice acting - The voice samples for both the Buddies and Helghast are
place holder.
- Cut-scenes have not gone through final polish in visual effects, sound effect,
facial animations and syncing voices
- Several Character Animation glitches can be spotted, most noticeably during
- In some rare cases enemies or buddies can create progression issues. Try
Restart Checkpoint from the Pause menu to continue.
- Pay attention to the buddy and objectives in cases where the Direction finder (dpad
UP) system isn't implemented correctly yet.
- Volume balancing for sound effects, music and voices has not been completed
for this version, resulting in louder than normal speech or sound effects as well
as audio cutting out. Suggested setting in the Options / Sound menu:
music=100%, speech=80%, sound effects=70%
- Brightness settings are not yet balanced for all screens - The option menu has a
brightness setting that can be adjusted to overcome overly dark areas.
- Ragdoll issues might occur when many explosions are triggered.
- The Lighting setup of the Suljeva Village mission is unfinished.




They sure added alot more colours.


Big year 09 for the PS3. This game will be the 1st killer to hit, and I cannot wait!

Playing and finishing games first>>>>>>>>>>Then talking!

Opinions are subjective and just like moods, can change.

TOP 12: Deus Ex, Shadow Man, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturn, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, Metroid Prime, Zelda (series), Uncharted (series), FF Tactics, Persona (series), Demons Souls, Vagrant Story.

MOST WANTED: Deus Ex: Human Revolution, The Last Guardian, ICO/Shadow OTC HD