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Forums - Sony Discussion - Unreal Tournament III (PS3 Version) Questions.

Parasitic said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Parasitic said:
The game is definitely kinda dead. I don't play it online simlpy because it's not that active, and the few servers I can get into have massive lag. I only bought it cause it was $20. When it comes to gameplay, UT04 is still better. The only thing UT3 has is graphics.


I hear'd the gameplay was still really fast paced though, and the Online is still "Fairly" alive compare'd to games like Haze and lost planets online modes so....


It still has the fast-pace feel that every other UT game has. The online is kinda still "alive", but my main issue was just the horrid lag that makes it almost unplayable. Not sure if it's just my internet, but I never get lag that bad when playing other games. The game is a decent deal I guess, considering how cheap it , but replay value might not last long depending on how much the online issues bother you. I actually don't really play it anymore. I was a UT fan on PC, but the huge thing that made it so awesome was how easy it was to mod/map the whole series. There's a ridiculous amount of user-made content for the entire series on PC. Everytime I played UT1 or UT04, I usually had a bunch of downloaded mods in use. Without all that, the game didn't really last long at all for me. I honestly think it's a much better buy on 360 just for the splitscreen.

I almost forgot to mention - the Assault mode from UT04 was removed. Now the irony is that UT3 was the first one to have a campaign mode with a story - it would've benefitted more from the Assault mode than the other games did.


I dont own a 360 yet so cant do that, besides my buddy owns this game on both and says the PS3 version is smoother less glitchly and maintains a overall better framerate then the 360 version does, and hes not biased at all and is right alot of the time when it comes to shooters so...

Also si-fi Shooters really work for me then any other, excluding halo of course.

At any rate, as long as theres atleast a "Fair" amount of people still playing this game online thats enough for me, it cant be worse then TimeShift for those of you who remember this game...

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360 doesnt have mod options either - ps3version>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than 360 version just because of that. Ad more sales on Ps3 version (more users), the reasons you listed, and the fact it was out first on ps3 you made the right choice. (come out first is a valid reason. back when it came out it was a fresh experience. I guess its not as valid for someone buying it now then when they bought it around launch though)

Max King of the Wild said:

360 doesnt have mod options either - ps3version>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than 360 version just because of that. Ad more sales on Ps3 version (more users), the reasons you listed, and the fact it was out first on ps3 you made the right choice. (come out first is a valid reason. back when it came out it was a fresh experience. I guess its not as valid for someone buying it now then when they bought it around launch though)


Yeah, i heard the custom mods only work for the PC and PS3 versions, i find that a little odd but im not complan'n.

And thanks lol, if i did have a 360 right here and now i would have still went with the PS3 version for 3 major factors, 1. it was on sale on blackfriday on amazon for the PS3 only, 360 still priced above 40 dollars for some odd reason, 2. No Custom mods makes me sad, 3. Overall better experience in the end. (Taking my buddy's word for it.)

So yeah, now that ya put it that way theres no way the online could be worse then Haze and so forth, i dont expect it to be alive as a Call of Duty game but not to be as empty as haze aswell.

There are always bots. Oh, the wonderful world where you can always fill empty spaces with retarted computer characters. Games should bring this back as an option.

I have moved and do not have the internet at home, yet.

johnathonmerritt said:
There are always bots. Oh, the wonderful world where you can always fill empty spaces with retarted computer characters. Games should bring this back as an option.


lol @ your post!

So bots are usable in offline local area mode for this game or are you talking about the "So-Called" Story mode?

In any case yeah, thats a good place to practice and such but i wanna own people online and get owned by people online, gotta love the buddy-system.

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Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
johnathonmerritt said:
There are always bots. Oh, the wonderful world where you can always fill empty spaces with retarted computer characters. Games should bring this back as an option.


lol @ your post!

So bots are usable in offline local area mode for this game or are you talking about the "So-Called" Story mode?

In any case yeah, thats a good place to practice and such but i wanna own people online and get owned by people online, gotta love the buddy-system.

One of the things that always sorta made UT stand out was the bots that are useable in all gametypes (including offline). Again though, UT3 has abit of stripped content and the bots arn't as tweakable as they were in UT04, but they're still there and functional.

As for the mods, I'm not sure if all of them are compatible with the PS3.  The EPIC forums are a good place to find mods and anything related to that.

PSN: Parasitic_Link

Parasitic said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
johnathonmerritt said:
There are always bots. Oh, the wonderful world where you can always fill empty spaces with retarted computer characters. Games should bring this back as an option.


lol @ your post!

So bots are usable in offline local area mode for this game or are you talking about the "So-Called" Story mode?

In any case yeah, thats a good place to practice and such but i wanna own people online and get owned by people online, gotta love the buddy-system.

One of the things that always sorta made UT stand out was the bots that are useable in all gametypes (including offline). Again though, UT3 has abit of stripped content and the bots arn't as tweakable as they were in UT04, but they're still there and functional.

As for the mods, I'm not sure if all of them are compatible with the PS3.  The EPIC forums are a good place to find mods and anything related to that.


Wow so pretty much every mode is "Bot-Able?" i dont remember that in UT04 maybe in 2000 but not 04...Sweet that sounds good.

Hmm, EPIC forums eh? i can only assume you have to sign up to take part in the forums right? well im just far to lazy to do that haha. but i'll take your word for it, thanks for the info man.


Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
johnathonmerritt said:
There are always bots. Oh, the wonderful world where you can always fill empty spaces with retarted computer characters. Games should bring this back as an option.


lol @ your post!

So bots are usable in offline local area mode for this game or are you talking about the "So-Called" Story mode?

In any case yeah, thats a good place to practice and such but i wanna own people online and get owned by people online, gotta love the buddy-system.


Yeah, the bots are there for all modes for offline play.  They're actually not bad on higher settings... more than just window dressing at any rate.  With taunts switched on you can almost imagine you're playing on a sever full of people insulting each other...

Dug this outmyself yesterday and there does apper to be online still up and going but it's fairly small.  Still, you have bots plus the mods so there is still plenty of replay value.


Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

Reasonable said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
johnathonmerritt said:
There are always bots. Oh, the wonderful world where you can always fill empty spaces with retarted computer characters. Games should bring this back as an option.


lol @ your post!

So bots are usable in offline local area mode for this game or are you talking about the "So-Called" Story mode?

In any case yeah, thats a good place to practice and such but i wanna own people online and get owned by people online, gotta love the buddy-system.


Yeah, the bots are there for all modes for offline play.  They're actually not bad on higher settings... more than just window dressing at any rate.  With taunts switched on you can almost imagine you're playing on a sever full of people insulting each other...

Dug this outmyself yesterday and there does apper to be online still up and going but it's fairly small.  Still, you have bots plus the mods so there is still plenty of replay value.


Awesome! thanks for looking that up dude! cant wait for this game. :D


There's still a pretty decent community for the game.

4 ≈ One