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Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
johnathonmerritt said:
There are always bots. Oh, the wonderful world where you can always fill empty spaces with retarted computer characters. Games should bring this back as an option.


lol @ your post!

So bots are usable in offline local area mode for this game or are you talking about the "So-Called" Story mode?

In any case yeah, thats a good place to practice and such but i wanna own people online and get owned by people online, gotta love the buddy-system.


Yeah, the bots are there for all modes for offline play.  They're actually not bad on higher settings... more than just window dressing at any rate.  With taunts switched on you can almost imagine you're playing on a sever full of people insulting each other...

Dug this outmyself yesterday and there does apper to be online still up and going but it's fairly small.  Still, you have bots plus the mods so there is still plenty of replay value.


Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...