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Forums - General Discussion - why is coca cola so popular

rocketpig said:
Life is a mystery, everyone must stand alone.
I hear you call my name.
And it feels like... home.

Absurdly random quote from 'frozen'.

Or am I missing some connection to the thread?


On topic: Because Coca Cola tastes damn good, and it's packed full of addictive caffeine!



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ssj12 said:
themoneyshot said:

it dominated the market of soft drinks and is offically the ritchest company in the world worth about 70 billion dollars.

is coke your favorite if not what is


and Exxon Mobile gets over 400 billion in profit annually....

In 2007 404.5 billion in revenue.

40 billion in net income.





I like pepsi better i find coke to sweet

My avatar.
Coke is It!

rocketpig said:
Wiped said:
Because they abuse the human rights of their workers in the middle east. And because they have the awesome "holidays are comin'" Christmas adverts.

There's no way I'll pay £2.20 for a big bottle though- 36p Tesco cola all the way!

Wrong. This is their greatest advertisement.

I know that virtually none of you remember this advert, but it's one of the greatest of all time.


I remember this commercial from the 70's.  I just immigrated from S. Korea and remember being so impressed by this commercial.  maybe this commercial did influence me to drink Coke!

I even liked "New Coke"

And ever try Caffein-Free diet coke?  Excellent



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Pepsi ftw lads.

Coca-Cola is the best! I might be biased since I work for them.

Actually I really loved Coke even before working for them and I thought it would be cool to work for them because I did love their product so much. I then found that a job is a job and after hearing about Coca-Cola all day long it is kind of depressing to go home and drink it.

I encourage you all to drink it though so I can continue to be employed so I can continue buying video games!

You guys saying Cherry Coke are so wrong. Yes, it's amazing, but you can't beat:" width="194" height="257">

Best Coke. Flavour. Ever.

My Blog, Please Have A Read:

Great advertising to get them off the ground and world wide quickly... to the point to where Coca Cola is practically synonymous with Cola in a lot of markets.

Combined with regional factories that alter the taste according to that regions general tatses.

They grabbed an emerging market hard.  Really went full force when bottling replaced the soda shops and never let go.

They're kinda like the Microsoft of Soda...

not only that but they eastablished Coca Cola as a life brand.

Hence why Pepsi had to attack them as being the "Cola for a new generation"

Cause once someone becomes a life brand... (what's the real term again.)  they're almost impossible to shake.

Cause I drink it.