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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 Until 2018?

i don't think ps3 or even wii will release there next consoles wen or near the same time MS does only b/c wii is doing really good no need to bring out a new console and ps3 needs to make profits back and they have a 400g disk to play with now

By the time MS brings out there new console ps3 will be cheap as hell most people will want a ps3 thats cheap and has a bluray than a really expensive new MS console as we see that trend now with ps3 vs 360 so i see a 12 year plan working out maybe thats why ps3 put a bluray drive in the ps3 to destroy the next MS console


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no last place console lasts 10 years.

PS1 and PS2 were MARKET LEADERS. PS3 isnt. SOme ppl seem to forget that.

I don't think 2018 is likely. Sony will need to address the memory and Blu-ray speed limitations before that occurs. I can see them replacing the current sku's with a slimline PS3 that is more powerful and cheaper in the next couple of years. I think the PS3 will be the first console that will have games capable of running on different graphical settings, much like pc games.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.



Do people still believe that Sony gets to decide how long their console lasts?

It's the customers who decide that... As long as they buy the console and software in any significant numbers, Sony will continue to support it.

From the article:

So the next PS4 might not be at all as the PS3 is more than powerful enough to beat even Wii 5 and Xbox 720

A big lol for this one... The 360 is already more or less on par with the PS3, and they want us to believe this?


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

well with M$ already being dirt cheap i bet the new $box is around the corner.......

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Phrancheyez said:

I don't think they're going to make the mistake of releasing a system late again. The PS4 is going to be basically just an upgraded version of the PS3, so it's going to be easier to design and cheaper to produce. I sure hope they make sure they release at about the same time and avoid a $600 price tag. They definitely won't release 2 years after MS does. They DEFINITELY won't release the PS4 in 2018. That's just absurd.


Totaly agree

Barozi said:
It will not even last 10 years. The only console that could live that long is the ps2


fixed :p

Check out my game about moles ^

Keep it there as with a few minor titles and a cheaper BD Player than the PS4, sounds like a decent idea, and should help with making some profit. If the thing can keep up some decent sales then I don't see why not.

4 ≈ One

in 2018, it will be the end of the ps4 and the bigining of the ps5

Final Fantasy huge... watch my collection


Oh... Final Fantasy huge only on SONY system !


I agree with DMeisterJ, Sony's 10 year plan is really about production of the PS3. The typical situation is that later in life, the console hardware itself becomes profitable. After that point, sales have to fall a long way before the console has to be removed from sale. So Sony can realistically plan to make the console for 10 years.

Overall, the market for consoles is expanding. So although PS3 doesn't quite have the market share that PS2 enjoyed, the unit count isn't that much lower. Relative to the original Xbox which was discontinued quickly, the PS3 is either a year ahead, or 6 million units depending on which way you want to look at it.

What will be really interesting to see is whether the 360 stays on the market when MS's next gen console comes out.

NB if you look at hardware from launch charts, PS2 is currently a significant amount ahead, but had just gone through Christmas, while PS3 is just about to. You can see on the charts that this Christmas in the lifecycle, the PS2 went crazy, so it will also be interesting to see how much divergence there is with PS3.