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I agree with DMeisterJ, Sony's 10 year plan is really about production of the PS3. The typical situation is that later in life, the console hardware itself becomes profitable. After that point, sales have to fall a long way before the console has to be removed from sale. So Sony can realistically plan to make the console for 10 years.

Overall, the market for consoles is expanding. So although PS3 doesn't quite have the market share that PS2 enjoyed, the unit count isn't that much lower. Relative to the original Xbox which was discontinued quickly, the PS3 is either a year ahead, or 6 million units depending on which way you want to look at it.

What will be really interesting to see is whether the 360 stays on the market when MS's next gen console comes out.

NB if you look at hardware from launch charts, PS2 is currently a significant amount ahead, but had just gone through Christmas, while PS3 is just about to. You can see on the charts that this Christmas in the lifecycle, the PS2 went crazy, so it will also be interesting to see how much divergence there is with PS3.