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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sonic Unleashed IGN Reviews


I don't have money like you to spend on games. I take the review I get from a website I have been reading for years. If they say the game is plagued by problems then "why should I waste my $60 and time on a game they are warning me about?"

Makes sense right? They haven't said anything good in the game at all. So I will stick with the Sonic's from the 2D generation on the Wii's virtual console and Xbox Live Arcade.

And just like what outlawauron said "Eh, I'm not touching this". That's what I agree with and I'm sticking with it. I had my experiences with Alone in the Dark and you know this and that's why I agree with the review on with what they said about that game.

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disolitude,what did they get right about the wii controls?I'm not checking ign after reading this thread.Did anyone notice,ign gave shaun white a 7.1 on HD consoles & 8.4 on the wii(probably bcuz u can use the balance board).Wii version used cartoonish artstyle and easy controls.
Not trying 2 change the topic but,your comments?" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">

3DS: tolu619

Wii U: FoyehBoys

Vita, PS3 and PS4: FoyehBoys

XBoxOne: Tolu619

Switch: Tolu619

Kugali - We publish comics from all across Africa and the diaspora, and we also push the boundaries of Augmented Reality storytelling. Check us out!

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Well it seems that more people liked the Wii version, so you should pick that one up ;)

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

Sonic Unleashed is just one of several recent games where the Wii actually got a higher Metacritic score than the HD consoles. Especially Shaun White Snowboarding where the difference was over 13 points. Several other games that were on all three platforms had scores which made the Wii very competitive even without the HD advantage. Not that Metacritic is a perfect source but by averaging at least four reviews and sometimes many more, it does tend to filter out the single reviewer whose score is radically different.


 What all these games have in common is that the developer made the Wii version separately and designed for that platform, instead of just porting over.  (Not sure on Lego Batman)

The take home message hopefully to other third party developers is that it is possible to design quality games for the Wii that are critically equivalent or even superior to the HD versions

BrainBoxLtd said:
disolitude said:

Thats a terrible review btw. There are no control issues, the framerate problems are minor and don't hurt the gameplay, sound is quite excellent, controls are good on 360, excellent on the wii. Sheer production of the game puts it in to the blockbuster category as its very polished. That reviewer doesn't know what shes talking about.

Hilary Goldstein is a guy.


And a Sony fanboy from what I've heard.

Anyways I'll probably rent Unleashed in the future...



Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

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Things disolitude has said that are wrong. Sonic unleashed is well polished, struggling to keep 30fps is not well polished, controls that aren't as responsive as they should be is not well polished.

Claiming hulk and golden axe didn't deserve around 4's. The Hulk game managed to be a step backwards from a last gen game and golden axe was awful.

Thinking the reviewer is a woman and so saying the reason it was a bad review was because she was on her period.....

Anyway sonic unleashed is 3 hours of good gaming with a huge amount of total rubbish added in. Maybe worth a rent, or find a friend that has it. The werehog levels and town sections the only thing you can think is why aren't I running really fast or playing a different game.

Even the developers didn't like the werehog bit. In the TRL podcast they talk about how they met a developer and he was saying the reason the games have to have a gimmick is because to make a full length sonic title where he was constantly running at this high speed they would need to make hundreds of miles of levels and it would take forever. So they just have to throw other stuff in to bulk it up.

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.

Grampy said:

The take home message hopefully to other third party developers is that it is possible to design quality games for the Wii that are critically equivalent or even superior to the HD versions

I think that's more of a message to the gamers (the ones who care about reviews at least), since they pay attention to them and affects their purchases. The people that round up games' metacritic scores will have a harder time putting the Wii down.

The third parties probably don't give a crap about quality games on the Wii, they just want sales. Thankfully the games you list are doing fine, with the exeption of CoD: WaW (though it may be too early to tell, legs may carry it).

Grampy,start a thread by quoting your last poat here.Then send me a link to it." type="application/x-shockwave-flash">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">

3DS: tolu619

Wii U: FoyehBoys

Vita, PS3 and PS4: FoyehBoys

XBoxOne: Tolu619

Switch: Tolu619

Kugali - We publish comics from all across Africa and the diaspora, and we also push the boundaries of Augmented Reality storytelling. Check us out!

My thread for teaching VGC some Nigerian slangs

Zim said:
Things disolitude has said that are wrong. Sonic unleashed is well polished, struggling to keep 30fps is not well polished, controls that aren't as responsive as they should be is not well polished.

Claiming hulk and golden axe didn't deserve around 4's. The Hulk game managed to be a step backwards from a last gen game and golden axe was awful.

Thinking the reviewer is a woman and so saying the reason it was a bad review was because she was on her period.....

Anyway sonic unleashed is 3 hours of good gaming with a huge amount of total rubbish added in. Maybe worth a rent, or find a friend that has it. The werehog levels and town sections the only thing you can think is why aren't I running really fast or playing a different game.

Even the developers didn't like the werehog bit. In the TRL podcast they talk about how they met a developer and he was saying the reason the games have to have a gimmick is because to make a full length sonic title where he was constantly running at this high speed they would need to make hundreds of miles of levels and it would take forever. So they just have to throw other stuff in to bulk it up.

Again...i am glad you can read the review. But you did not play this game. If you did you know that the framerate drops only happen in the towns where you dont do any platforming or fight any enemies. So as you walk around to your next level you may see some frame rate drops, which doesnt affet gameplay.

Also, controls are quite good considerin the speed everything moves at. And werehog platforming controls are quite good as well. Fighting controls suck but i already said that is the crappy aspect of this game.

As far as your last statement...if they did make a full sonic game that is all speedy sonic levels, and kept up the innovation and intensity this game would rival Mario Galaxy. As it stands now, the werehog levels are a downgrade from the speedy concept... but not a dealbreaker by any means. T



4.5 is fairly low because I've played the game and it's not that bad. IGN doesn't necessarily give bad reviews, it thaty Fucken Moron Hillary Goldstien who can't properly rate a game to save his own life. Unless you can blow things up or cause an explosion, he doesn't consider it a good game. He's probably the dumbest fuck IGN has ever hired to review games.

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