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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Are you happy with the way this generation is going?

I think it's been pretty good really... considering 3 consoles have managed to co-exist with constant streams of new releases on each console. That's more than can be said for past generations.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


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No. Generation Golf was much cooler imo.

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Not when crappy casual games kill high budget blockbuster games

Barozi said:
Not when crappy casual games kill high budget blockbuster games


That started with the Atari 2600, and has since been the case with every generation.  So I don't really see it as a problem.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


It's the greatest gen so far, each gamer has more choice than ever before, and some of the most impressive games ever are released each year... what more could we ask for?

We now have PC gaming, plus two very different portable consoles, plus three different home consoles (even if two of these are very close and offer nearly the same line-up), plus downloadable old classics, and backward compatibility... have we even enough time and/or money to play all the greatest games out there?

Every type of gamer with every kind of taste may find great games, and i don't mind all the "casual" thing: all these games and/or systems may coexist peacefuly, and of course, i was a "casual" 8 years old when i was playing Pong back in the 70s... we all have been casual one day, we all have to start somewhere, just as with everything else in life, so...

There's also casual music, and casual movies, and casual books: is this a reason to loose interest in music, movies, and books? Because of these, will other types of music, movies or books never see the light of day? To each his own, and the more choice, the best, for everyone...


"A beautiful drawing in 480i will stay beautiful forever...

and an ugly drawing in 1080p will stay ugly forever..."

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I just have a Wii but it's the first system since the Colecovision that I've actively purchase games for myself to play.

Love what Nintendo is doing, taking 'gaming' from a niche 'kid/geek in the basement' stereotype and making it a recgonized mainsteam form of entertainment like movies or tv.

Not yet. 3rd parties are too stuck in their ways, too limited of vision and missing out on huge oppurtunies the Wii/DS are providing - in particular by not appealing to women players. Movie and tv have stuff for all types of people. Guy action flicks, chick flicks, childrens, senior, popcorn entertainment and award winning drama stuff. Video games are still primarily stuck on action and kids stuff with very little for women or 'non-gamers'


I'm enjoying it.

Pixel Art can be fun.

I don't like this generation at all and long back to the 90's tbh. There's nothing as of yet to lure me into buying a console and that's kinda sad this far into the gen.
My PC seems ample for now, the few titles I'm missing out on don't seem like they're worth shelling out for a console (or consoles) imo.
I might join the "next gen" next year sometime but I'm not too sure if things keep going the way they have, no use buying a product (an expensive one at that) that you'll end up not using or barely using.

it depends on what category you are judging;

FPS = 10/10
RPG = 2/10
action adventure = 7/10
Survival horror = 7/10
fighting = 8/10
sports = IDK
Stealth = 9/10
Racing = 9/10

this only includes the categories i have played
this is relative to consoles, handhelds are another story

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

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