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Forums - PC Discussion - Windows Market share drops below 90%

And IE marketshare below 70%


It's not all that significant, but t's good to see Mac OSX, Linux, Firefox/Safari/Chrome doing well


Previously the breakdown was

Windows (all varieties) 90.44%

Mac  (all varieties) 8.24%

Which left 1.32% for all forms of Linux and other


Now it is

Windows (all varieties) 89.6%

Mac  (all varieties) 8.9%

Which left 1.5% for all forms of Linux and other


Also from what I can gather, Chrome stole market share from IE in its first time on the charts, whilst Safari, Firefox and Opera saw small gains, if any

Around the Network

Go linux go!! , I just had to. :)

Everything one day will die and fade away, even Windows






Finally... some competition never hurts ;) I wonder when will Mac reach the 10%... with current laptop sales it will do it fast :?

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

What I'm interested in the most is mobile devices. The iphone and ipod touch are huge, and it's not too unreasonable to think that the entire ipod line will go in that mobile all in one device route. Safari's going to see a pretty big spike when that giant sea of ipods turns in to a giant see of Safari web cruising devices.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

Around the Network

Who do you think will end up taking the biggest chuck of ie's marketshare

Chrome, for several reasons

For the average internet user, Chrome is a better browser than Firefox - it's faster, and both are very safe. Firefox's advantage lies in the add-ons, but lets face it, not many people would actually use them.

Apparently (forgot the link), Google is in talks with several makers of PCs and laptops to convince them to install Chrome as the default browser on all their compys - something Mozilla could never do because they don't have the money

It also has the most to gain, it's starting from the bottom, but seems to be heading up quite well

Windows will recover, theyre microsoft they always will.

stof said:
What I'm interested in the most is mobile devices. The iphone and ipod touch are huge, and it's not too unreasonable to think that the entire ipod line will go in that mobile all in one device route. Safari's going to see a pretty big spike when that giant sea of ipods turns in to a giant see of Safari web cruising devices.

i hope they don't include itouch and iphones in their 'safari' counts... i find it is so mediocre on my iphone, and would definitely use an alternative browser if I had been given the option - i've had the entire phone freeze 3 times now (completely unresponsive - even to the sleep key) while surfing on safari on my phone.. you'd think those problems wouldn't occur after this long

Microsoft has never 'recovered'

They started on 0% marketshare
They constantly increased to about 97% in 2002
Now they have been constantly decreasing to 89.6%

Whilst the middle step is impressive, it's certainly not REcovery