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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Kingdom hearts 2 producer, interested in the xbox 360

BengaBenga said:
Squilliam said:
BengaBenga said:
NiKKoM said:
So nobody thinks that the producer of Kingdom Hearts 2 ,who may or may not work on Kingdom Hearts 3, was justed named that way cause nobody know who he is?? Like: that's Klaas Jan Huntelaar... most people will say: "Who???" then I say: football player for Real Madrid.. You go like: "Aaaahh.. him..." for like reference? Nobody?

Dont mess with "The Hunter". We'll miss him dearly (just like Wesley Sneijder and Rafael vd Vaart). Ajax 4Life!

you do realize 360 is gettin FF, and SO. It makes good sense if KH3 comes on over.

You do realize that Wii has none of the big series, despite having the biggest userbase and that it makes sense for SE to spread its biggest series?

And to everyone raving about attach rates and successes again:

The two best sold console RPGs in Japan this gen are on Wii. Dragon Quest Swords (a crappy spin-off) and Tales of Symphonia 2 (a spin off). Hmm, something tells me that if these games sold, MAIN SERIES will definitely sell. Oh, and you can bet SE wants a piece of the Wii cake. Especially with Marvelous and Namco pushing JRPGs hard on the platform and with Monster Hunter 3 clearly assuring a lot of core gamers will get a Wii.

And yeah, I know this is Japan, but that's half of KH sales.



The best selling RPGs are on the Xbox 360 actually. Fable II, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Mass Effect.

Anyway a correction: KH1 sold 3:1 between Americas and Japan, KH2 was 2:1, and japan as a console market isn't nearly as strong as it was last generation.



What about "in Japan" is so tough to understand?

And comparing JRPGs with WRPGs is totally irrelevant, since they're not the same genre. They coincidentally share the same name, but they're quite different.

I can promise you that SE won't look at Mass Effect for a sales projection, but rather to Tales.

1. Japan doesn't matter as much as it used to.

2. Japan didn't make up a majority of sales for KH1 and KH2, especially 1.

3. Therefore Japan isn't significant to where KH3 goes.


Fable 2 for example shares a lot in common with Kingdom hearts 1/2 and its well on its way to breaching 3 million sales. Besides the different cultural flourishes, I cannot see anything which sets them in completely different sub-genres.



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Wow Squilliam I didn't know you could fail so hard... Fable and KH in the same breath... they're nothing alike and... this coming from a KH fan... FABLE SUCKS THE BIG ONE!

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

MaxwellGT2000 said:
Wow Squilliam I didn't know you could fail so hard... Fable and KH in the same breath... they're nothing alike and... this coming from a KH fan... FABLE SUCKS THE BIG ONE!

Fable does suck the big one, its one of the few games which allow homosexual marriages so please don't get in the way of my fantasies.



MaxwellGT2000 said:
Wow Squilliam I didn't know you could fail so hard... Fable and KH in the same breath... they're nothing alike and... this coming from a KH fan... FABLE SUCKS THE BIG ONE!

They are both RPGs. Just because its a Japanese game doesn't discount that.

A shooter from Japan is still a shooter, and the logic still applies here.

And this coming from a Kingdom Hearts and Fable fan....uh, no, it doesn't. 


GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

Squilliam is just sayin that KH 1 and 2 sold 70 % units in USA than in Japan.

KH 1 & 2 Sales

NA - 5.51 Million

Japan - 2.4 Million

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I hope it's on PS3 and 360.

~Currently Playing Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank: FTOD, and Resistance: Retribution~

MaxwellGT2000 said:
Wow Squilliam I didn't know you could fail so hard... Fable and KH in the same breath... they're nothing alike and... this coming from a KH fan... FABLE SUCKS THE BIG ONE!

Wow MaxwellGT2000 I didn't know you could fail so hard.... Fable and KH are both RPGS........


Shadowblind said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
Wow Squilliam I didn't know you could fail so hard... Fable and KH in the same breath... they're nothing alike and... this coming from a KH fan... FABLE SUCKS THE BIG ONE!

They are both RPGs. Just because its a Japanese game doesn't discount that.

A shooter from Japan is still a shooter, and the logic still applies here.

And this coming from a Kingdom Hearts and Fable fan....uh, no, it doesn't. 



Heh heh you must not realize I was kinda joking with Squilliam, as we are friends and I kid with him a lot, the kinda being that Fable does blow and is nothing like KH, and as Benga said JRPG and WRPG are two totally different things, Fable doesn't even fit into the same catagory as KH, the story, the humor, the way the game is built, is geared towards two totally different gamers.

Again demographics have a huge say in where this title goes, as well as Disney's say in the matter, it would make more sense to put it on PS3 then 360, but most logic points to Wii being the Disney central of all 3 consoles, SE also makes games tailored to the consoles demographics as I stated before, just like DS makes perfect sense to have lots of remade classics as well as the new DQ game and KH 358/2 and then PSP get spin offs titles geared towards PSP fans who are the huge FF7 fans getting Crisis Core and Dissidia and are also getting the more adult story of KH BBS.

Wii fans would be perfect for KH3, while 360 is great for SE to put their new IPs and ideas onto and maybe create something amazingly new and fresh much like Chrono Trigger was for it's time, then PS3 has it's core FF fans that could very well carry the series in a few years with a larger install base, but with the money they put into XIII they really needed to go multiplat in America and Europe so cause exclusive to PS3 is only viable in Japan, but even then the rest of the XIII games are staying on PS3 and PSP at the moment.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

1. Japan doesn't matter as much as it used to.

2. Japan didn't make up a majority of sales for KH1 and KH2, especially 1.

3. Therefore Japan isn't significant to where KH3 goes.

So 1.6 million per game is not significant now? That's over twice the userbase of 360 in Japan.

Fable 2 for example shares a lot in common with Kingdom hearts 1/2 and its well on its way to breaching 3 million sales. Besides the different cultural flourishes, I cannot see anything which sets them in completely different sub-genres.

No they don't, KH shares more with Vesperia, Last Remnant, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssee and Infinte Undiscovery. Of which none have passed a million.

KH 1 & 2 Sales

NA - 5.51 Million

Japan - 2.4 Million

You forgot the Final Mixes. Combined it's 3.2 million.

Wow MaxwellGT2000 I didn't know you could fail so hard.... Fable and KH are both RPGS.....

There both RPGs...except that JRPG =/= WRPG. They have not a lot in common actually. I still wonder who decided to name two distinctively different genres the same.

@ Benga, still don't see the distinction between them. Apart from story delivery and one being more simplified than the other, are there any actual significant differences?

Far Cry 2 and Call of Duty WAW have different story delivery and one is more complicated than the other and yet they are both clearly in the same genre. I cannot see much more of a difference between FC2 and COD WAW compared to KH2 and Fable 2.
