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Shadowblind said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
Wow Squilliam I didn't know you could fail so hard... Fable and KH in the same breath... they're nothing alike and... this coming from a KH fan... FABLE SUCKS THE BIG ONE!

They are both RPGs. Just because its a Japanese game doesn't discount that.

A shooter from Japan is still a shooter, and the logic still applies here.

And this coming from a Kingdom Hearts and Fable fan....uh, no, it doesn't. 



Heh heh you must not realize I was kinda joking with Squilliam, as we are friends and I kid with him a lot, the kinda being that Fable does blow and is nothing like KH, and as Benga said JRPG and WRPG are two totally different things, Fable doesn't even fit into the same catagory as KH, the story, the humor, the way the game is built, is geared towards two totally different gamers.

Again demographics have a huge say in where this title goes, as well as Disney's say in the matter, it would make more sense to put it on PS3 then 360, but most logic points to Wii being the Disney central of all 3 consoles, SE also makes games tailored to the consoles demographics as I stated before, just like DS makes perfect sense to have lots of remade classics as well as the new DQ game and KH 358/2 and then PSP get spin offs titles geared towards PSP fans who are the huge FF7 fans getting Crisis Core and Dissidia and are also getting the more adult story of KH BBS.

Wii fans would be perfect for KH3, while 360 is great for SE to put their new IPs and ideas onto and maybe create something amazingly new and fresh much like Chrono Trigger was for it's time, then PS3 has it's core FF fans that could very well carry the series in a few years with a larger install base, but with the money they put into XIII they really needed to go multiplat in America and Europe so cause exclusive to PS3 is only viable in Japan, but even then the rest of the XIII games are staying on PS3 and PSP at the moment.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000