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Forums - Sony Discussion - I think I realized why people choose to not like LBP.

Sorry quoted the wrong section

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Thwip said:
Christhegamer said:
Sorry but I stand by my comments, and I beleive that there is a age when kids games do not interest adults. Have you thought that maybe that is why nobody is buying it. The PS3 is not owned by kids, and kids games do not sell well on the system. Doesn't that make you think, maybe it is you that should have taken the IQ test and maybe you are right morons should not post here.


I don't agree with the heart of your comments, nor would I suggest that you are a "moron"; however I do believe I understand the position you are trying to make, and I beg to differ.

Well I do agree that the perceived audience for LBP is children, that perception couldn't be further from the truth.  I am a married man (36) with a young daughter (8), and I have very much enjoyed my LBP purchase; individually, and as a family.  The nice thing about LBP is it has a little something in it for everyone.

I believe that "part" of the reason sales have been less than some peoples expectations are...

1 - People like yourself: You want to dislike the game because you believe you are supposed to, based on your perception that it is a "childrens" game; and you couldn't possibly enjoy it as a "hardcore" PS3 gamer.

2 - A large number of PS3 owners have refrained for some reason (see above): I often read numerous comments by posters suggesting they want to buy it, but for whatever reason haven't.  Other games interest them more, money is tough, or they are waiting for Christmas; ultimately though (I think) they are affraid they might enjoy it

Just my thoughts...right or wrong...just my thoughts!



Should have quote this one ups...


Christhegamer said:
No the reason LBP didn't sell was because if you like kids games then you would have a Wii. Also the people that would play LBP are mostly kids and kids can't affard a PS3. PS3 are bought by people who don't care about money and want a Blu-ray player, does this sound like you average kid, NO. Thats why people are not buying it in large numbers. Put it on the wii and it would be up there with mario kart and WiiFit.


Yep this is true, the mayority of people that would apreciate LBP cant buy a ps3 so they already have a wii.

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

Hey Listen!

LOL 1mil in a couple of weeks isnt selling now.... 1.5 million in 2 months isnt selling now.... wow i wouldnt have known that if i didnt read this thread.

chose not to like? Another week or so and it will be at 1 million

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radha said:
Christhegamer said:
No the reason LBP didn't sell was because if you like kids games then you would have a Wii. Also the people that would play LBP are mostly kids and kids can't affard a PS3. PS3 are bought by people who don't care about money and want a Blu-ray player, does this sound like you average kid, NO. Thats why people are not buying it in large numbers. Put it on the wii and it would be up there with mario kart and WiiFit.


Yep this is true, the mayority of people that would apreciate LBP cant buy a ps3 so they already have a wii.


 well said , just what I was trying to say...

Well I've heard from some of my friends that it was "gay" and for kids because of the way it looks. Anyways that's what they were saying before they tried it out and thought it was ridiculously fun.

Well LittleBigPlanet is not so well known,and its pretty cool if you think..

...What if someone "cool" as me is playing Pokemon on Ds?You know,black hair,fiercy look,trained body,black clothes and all...

Happend once,last year at buss,while I was playing Pokemn Pearl with my black Ds lite...
It was hell...I put it right off when few people I know came talking to me, and they asked to try ds...When they saw pokemon,I heard it whole trip,which took 2 hours.

And how about Wii Fif?
Or ...Mario :OROAF;LF;AOF;



Take my love, take my land..

I can't seem to get into this game strangely enough... What rub me the wrong ways are the controls, Sackdude doesn't move right in my opinion. I wish he would jump higher!!

Elaine: I will never understand people

Jerry: They're the worst.

i think so far the sales reflecting it, this game not as big as hyped to be.