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It's times like this that i wish i had a PS3.It's to cute of a game for me to take seriously but the technology is really amazing.Right off the top of my head i can think up some interesting ideas for games with this.I can't wait to see whats next.


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That's preety cool stuff

Eyepet? Bleh.. I rather have one of these:


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

Wow now thats sumthing creative to use with the Eyetoy. Take that Nintendogs! lol jk jk. Hope itll come out in 2009.


I guess one of these are good for the 34-year old Japanese business man looking to humiliate is virtual girlfriend, but what about the rest of us who want to play a game and not dress our virtual servant.

What i still can't get over is how the kid draw a 2D sketch and the camera made it a 3D object.Consider my mind blown.


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^ yeah, i find that part the most strange. it even made four distinct wheels instead of two flintstone rollers.

it looks like an awesome demo, but as a game i don't know how much i'd like to play with a virtual pet on screen. i haven't played nintendogs, but at least that's a portable game.

bulimicsupermodel said:

I guess one of these are good for the 34-year old Japanese business man looking to humiliate is virtual girlfriend, but what about the rest of us who want to play a game and not dress our virtual servant.

What i still can't get over is how the kid draw a 2D sketch and the camera made it a 3D object.Consider my mind blown.


If you think that's cool, you might like this as well:

Fish tank, lol.

just sony expanding their gaming categories, trying to appeal to that CASUAL crowd to draw more sales

So what do you think. Eyepet > The Getaway 3 + EightDays ?

makingmusic476 said:
bulimicsupermodel said:

I guess one of these are good for the 34-year old Japanese business man looking to humiliate is virtual girlfriend, but what about the rest of us who want to play a game and not dress our virtual servant.

What i still can't get over is how the kid draw a 2D sketch and the camera made it a 3D object.Consider my mind blown.


If you think that's cool, you might like this as well:

Fish tank, lol.

that's awesome. i wonder if they'll sell PS3 specialty paper and markers.

also, that tank game reminds me of that game combat for the atari 2600. i was so terrible at it.