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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why do some people believe the big three just want our money?

Because that's the goal of a for-profit business. On second thought, maybe Jo21's right and Sony doesn't want our money lol.

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Successful companies may focus on making their consumers happy, but that is only (really) because producing products that make consumers happy leads to greater profits and more rapid growth. In many ways it is like how people approach their jobs, you focus on doing a good job (in part) for the rewards.

BoleroOfFire said:

Because that's the goal of a for-profit business. On second thought, maybe Jo21's right and Sony doesn't want our money lol.


both microsoft and sony have bleed over 3 billion in the last generations.


they don't want it thats for sure.

Jo21 said:
BoleroOfFire said:

Because that's the goal of a for-profit business. On second thought, maybe Jo21's right and Sony doesn't want our money lol.


both microsoft and sony have bleed over 3 billion in the last generations.


they don't want it thats for sure.

Oooooor, you have to spend money to make money and they haven't made the very best business decisions on how to get a return from it.  I really really doubt they decided to spend billions just to get warm fuzzies out of making gamers happy.  Or maybe I'm just not picking up on your sarcasm.


Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

Jo21 said:
BoleroOfFire said:

Because that's the goal of a for-profit business. On second thought, maybe Jo21's right and Sony doesn't want our money lol.


both microsoft and sony have bleed over 3 billion in the last generations.


they don't want it thats for sure.


Give me a break--Do you honestly think it went through some CEO's mind that, 'Hey, we should lose $3 billion just to make our buyers happy.  Who cares how much marketshare we lose, how much we damage our brand, and how much our stocks plummet?'


Yeah, that happened.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
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I think that all three truely want the consumers to be happy. That way the consumer spends more money on them.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

seece said:

I truly believe Microsoft wants its gamers to be happy. I believe Sony and Nintendo do to. Keeping console owners happy results in them sticking with their chosen console/s. So they buy more games, and tell their friends how great their console is.


Yes money is their main concern and getting as much of it out of our wallets as possible. But I really think though that Rare and Microsoft want us to be happy with the NXE/Avatars. Not only for their benefits .. bt because they just want us to enjoy ourselves!


Maybe I'm just not as cynical as you lot ..


I'm glad not everyone is cynical, although you sound like a large corporations dream client!

More seriously, the truth is that the better a company serves you, the happier you are and the less you complain about the cost involved.  MS know this, any decent company today does.  So in a sense they do want you to be happy... but I'm afraid only to gain marketshare and make a profit.  Still, at least they want to make you happy in the process.  There's still companies about that are quite willing to make you unhappy while asking for your hard earned money.


Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

In a undisclosed boardroom in Kyoto, Japan, a top secret meeting took place between Kazuo Hirai, Shigeru Miyamoto, and Bill Gates, where they decided to stop fighting over profits, and decided to just make people happy. All individuals then decided that themselves and all of their employees would work for free, and institute a profit sharing system with console fanboys.

It was a great day for the gaming world, but a revolutionary day for mankind.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to run off and stop the Masons and Trilateral Commision from taking over the world.


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XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


They are businesses, so as such, they're end game is profit.

Customer satisfaction, corporate philantrophy, good guy image (looking at you Nintendo) and everything else is just the means to the end (profit).

If you say otherwise, you're fooling yourself (no offence).

Put simply, if they (the companies) want the gamers to be happy, they would give consoles and games away (all of them) for free. I know you'll say that they can't because of money, well that just proves that they aren't in it for our happiness. Sure we could take out money, but I believe doing so will break down social order (I mean order/balance not socioeconomic status).

The top dogs of course want your money. But I think when you get down to the developers who have been in the business for awhile such as Miyamoto that they really are about making people happy.

But businesses try to make us happy such to get our money and that's as far as it goes.