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Forums - Sony Discussion - The official PS3 Full of Win thread # 1(PSFoW #1)

Kantor said:
MaxwellGT2000 said:
But only one of those games are full of win, Ratchet and Clank... the rest are only borderline good or horrible...

No, the PS3 is full of win. All of it.



Yes step out and taste the pain of Madworld!  Muahaha!! But really I'm hoping to get my PS3 before the end of the year, though it's not for next years games it's for the couple of must haves I want being LBP, MGS4, R&C:FToD, and probably Uncharted (to see if it lives up to the hype it gets)

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

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it's for the couple of must haves I want being LBP, MGS4, R&C:FToD, and probably Uncharted (to see if it lives up to the hype it gets)

Then you'll be dissapointed, quite likely. Uncharted is an awesome game, but it's not one you can really go into expecting a masterpiece. It doesn't do anything new, for example, and what it does do, it doesn't do amazingly.

The shooting side of it, for example, is like a poorer version of Gears, and the platforming is like a poorer version of Prince of Persia. The game also has plenty of technical problems (screen tearing and texture pop-in), and is linear to a massive fault (if you drop onto an area you're not meant to go on, Drake will instantly die, even if its only a very small drop).

The thing is, Uncharted is greater than the sum of its parts. It really is a great game, and when you get a PS3, definately buy it. It's one of the best titles on the console, and, IMO, one of the best titles this gen so far.

Just, like I said, don't go in there expecting a masterpiece.

Neoraf said:

Sorry Folks...
The party is over.

"My OMG list for 2009:

    * Killzone 2
    * Uncharted 2
  Not in 2009
    * Gran Turismo 5  Not in 2009
    * Ratchet and Clank (Whatever)
    * Heavy Rain
    * White Knight Chronicles Already out
    * Valkyria Chronicles Already out
    * God of War III Not in 2009
    * Infamous"

This leaves you with 4 titles in 2009... sad.

On the 360 counterpart, the OMG list for 2009:

* Ninja Blade
* Halo Wars
* Mass Effect 2
* Stoked
* Alan Wake
* All Points Bulletin
* Forza 3
* Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope
* Huxley
* Splinter Cell Conviction
* Halo3:ODST
* Lionhead Project Dimitri
* Age of Conan
* Ninety-Nine Nights 2


South Park (XBLA)
Fallout 3 DLC
GTA4 The Lost and Damned

Why would it take Naughty Dog longer to make Uncharted 2 than it took them to make the first?  Honestly, look at their release history.  It has never taken them more than two years to make a game.

Same goes for God of War III.  Despite the jump to next gen, why would it take Sony Santa Monica OVER A YEAR longer to make the third installment than it took them to make the first two?  Hell, we'll be getting gameplay footage in only a week and a half.

Also, White Knight Chronicles won't be released until the 25th in Japan, and outside of Japan it won't be released until 2009.

Quite a few of the games on your 360 list are vaporware, like Huxley and the 360 version of Age of Conan.  And you know damn well that Lionhead's next project won't make it out next year.  They never pump out games that fast.

Your trolling is pitiful.


Ooof MM xD Be gentle! I'm sure both consoles have some un-announced games still in the works as well :P Some stuff we haven't really thought of yet. It'll all be gravy :)

Besides, we have the PSN on our side! PSN games friggin rock xD And they crank those out pretty quick, and often times un-announced :)

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

makingmusic476 said:
Neoraf said:

Sorry Folks...
The party is over.

"My OMG list for 2009:

    * Killzone 2
    * Uncharted 2
  Not in 2009
    * Gran Turismo 5  Not in 2009
    * Ratchet and Clank (Whatever)
    * Heavy Rain
    * White Knight Chronicles Already out
    * Valkyria Chronicles Already out
    * God of War III Not in 2009
    * Infamous"

This leaves you with 4 titles in 2009... sad.

On the 360 counterpart, the OMG list for 2009:

* Ninja Blade
* Halo Wars
* Mass Effect 2
* Stoked
* Alan Wake
* All Points Bulletin
* Forza 3
* Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope
* Huxley
* Splinter Cell Conviction
* Halo3:ODST
* Lionhead Project Dimitri
* Age of Conan
* Ninety-Nine Nights 2


South Park (XBLA)
Fallout 3 DLC
GTA4 The Lost and Damned

Why would it take Naughty Dog longer to make Uncharted 2 than it took them to make the first?  Honestly, look at their release history.  It has never taken them more than two years to make a game.

Same goes for God of War III.  Despite the jump to next gen, why would it take Sony Santa Monica OVER A YEAR longer to make the third installment than it took them to make the first two?  Hell, we'll be getting gameplay footage in only a week and a half.

Also, White Knight Chronicles won't be released until the 25th in Japan, and outside of Japan it won't be released until 2009.

Quite a few of the games on your 360 list are vaporware, like Huxley and the 360 version of Age of Conan.  And you know damn well that Lionhead's next project won't make it out next year.  They never pump out games that fast.

Your trolling is pitiful.


Not to mention a lot of those games are going to be bad. Ninety-Nine Nights 2? Really? So now quantity is better then quality I supose. The truth is that there are a lot of quality games to come out next year that have yet to be announced so making my list > then your list arguments are pretty silly right now. Exspecially when all you do is cherry pick from one list and do all you can to extend anohter.


PS3 Trophies



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LOL at haters. Nice thread squilliam. See you on the Killzone 2 Battlefield

Linger in Shadows is full of win too.

Neoraf, your a joke, your hate for Sony is just offending and pathetic.

Half those game's you listed in that list are crap the only thing that will probably sell is Forza and Halo, It doesnt matter if its good or not, it will sell.. Just because it has "Halo" in the name, people will buy it. Quit your trolling in every Sony thread, you aren't welcome in them.

OMFG God of War III will fucking annihilate any other console exclusive this gen. The same goes for MGS4 and LBP. And I don't even have to sit at home and cross my fingers that Microsoft will go out and buy exclusives into being multiplats.

PS3 - 1, Others - 0.

I don't care if PS3 wins or loses this gen. The only thing I care about is games, and you know what? The PS3 got games. It got the games. 2008 has been an incredible year for Sony Computer Entertainment PLAYSTATION 3® Home Entertainment Console, and its just going to get better in 2009 and beyond. This year we had Metal Gear Solid 4, Siren: Blood Curse, WipEout HD, Valkyria Chronicles, Resistance 2, Disgaea 3 and the list goes on and on and on.

The thing is I don't work for Sony and probably never will. No gaming company is going to pay for their console sales. Why should I care how much it sells? Back in the day when I was playing my PS1 and N64, I didn't know how much they were selling. All I cared about was the games. You haters can hate all you want and say PS3 is doomed all you want. You've been saying that since the first year of the PS3 release. The PS3 is still kicking. I proudly own 1 of the 2 best consoles this gen. The other one, 360, will be sitting next to the sexy black beast this Christmas.