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I don't care if PS3 wins or loses this gen. The only thing I care about is games, and you know what? The PS3 got games. It got the games. 2008 has been an incredible year for Sony Computer Entertainment PLAYSTATION 3® Home Entertainment Console, and its just going to get better in 2009 and beyond. This year we had Metal Gear Solid 4, Siren: Blood Curse, WipEout HD, Valkyria Chronicles, Resistance 2, Disgaea 3 and the list goes on and on and on.

The thing is I don't work for Sony and probably never will. No gaming company is going to pay for their console sales. Why should I care how much it sells? Back in the day when I was playing my PS1 and N64, I didn't know how much they were selling. All I cared about was the games. You haters can hate all you want and say PS3 is doomed all you want. You've been saying that since the first year of the PS3 release. The PS3 is still kicking. I proudly own 1 of the 2 best consoles this gen. The other one, 360, will be sitting next to the sexy black beast this Christmas.