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it's for the couple of must haves I want being LBP, MGS4, R&C:FToD, and probably Uncharted (to see if it lives up to the hype it gets)

Then you'll be dissapointed, quite likely. Uncharted is an awesome game, but it's not one you can really go into expecting a masterpiece. It doesn't do anything new, for example, and what it does do, it doesn't do amazingly.

The shooting side of it, for example, is like a poorer version of Gears, and the platforming is like a poorer version of Prince of Persia. The game also has plenty of technical problems (screen tearing and texture pop-in), and is linear to a massive fault (if you drop onto an area you're not meant to go on, Drake will instantly die, even if its only a very small drop).

The thing is, Uncharted is greater than the sum of its parts. It really is a great game, and when you get a PS3, definately buy it. It's one of the best titles on the console, and, IMO, one of the best titles this gen so far.

Just, like I said, don't go in there expecting a masterpiece.