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Forums - Sony Discussion - The official PS3 Full of Win thread # 1(PSFoW #1)

I wonder if darth was in this thread. He's being too emo that it's almost contagious.

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ChronotriggerJM said:
@Loud Ouch xD I'm sure the Wii's 2009 doesn't look all that bad ^^ Show some love!

I need help ;-; I have too many games, and can't stop playing resistance, I must somehow overcome my addiction ><

I know how you feel. I just got off of a Thanksgiving break full of Resistance. First, I've basically been sick this whole semester up until break, so it was a very welcome rest. I needed some time to relax, and thursday was all about family. However, every other day, I was glued to my TV, playing R2. I got my medic from lv 11 to lv 30, my spec op from lv 4 to lv 21, and my soldier from lv 7 to lv 14. I also got all the intel, and have all the trophies for co-op, and I think I ended up with about 3 million xp over the whole break in addition to the 1 million or so I already had. I still can't stop playing though, and I really want to go back to LBP, Wipeout HD, and I've barely touched PixelJunk Eden since I got it (well, that was only yesterday =D).

Squilliam, what country are you in? I've never known a country to get things even later than Australia (just ask Yahtzee)! Let me guess... you're from St. Kitts & Nevis? Guatemala? Togo, perhaps?

Games machines owned: C64*, NES, SNES*, PS1, PS2*, PS3* (*still own).


12/9/2008 18:46 Australian CST - !!!I got my first trophy!!! Huzzah!!!


Far closer, he comes from New Zealand, which is in itself odd as Aussie and NZ often share the same distributer...

lol what a thread... i think sony fans need it.

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This thread needs more Fat Princess.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

^^^what about skinny prince?(prince of persia)




All Hail PS3.

Sorry Folks...
The party is over.

"My OMG list for 2009:

    * Killzone 2
    * Uncharted 2
  Not in 2009
    * Gran Turismo 5  Not in 2009
    * Ratchet and Clank (Whatever)
    * Heavy Rain
    * White Knight Chronicles Already out
    * Valkyria Chronicles Already out
    * God of War III Not in 2009
    * Infamous"

This leaves you with 4 titles in 2009... sad.

On the 360 counterpart, the OMG list for 2009:

* Ninja Blade
* Halo Wars
* Mass Effect 2
* Stoked
* Alan Wake
* All Points Bulletin
* Forza 3
* Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope
* Huxley
* Splinter Cell Conviction
* Halo3:ODST
* Lionhead Project Dimitri
* Age of Conan
* Ninety-Nine Nights 2


South Park (XBLA)
Fallout 3 DLC
GTA4 The Lost and Damned


My Gaming Setup

Neoraf said:

Sorry Folks...
The party is over.

"My OMG list for 2009:

    * Killzone 2
    * Uncharted 2 out in 2009
    * Gran Turismo 5  Not in 2009
    * Ratchet and Clank (Whatever)
    * Heavy Rain
    * White Knight Chronicles out in 09 for Europe and NA
    * Valkyria Chronicles Already out
    * God of War III maybe in 2009 but leave it as crossed out
    * Infamous"

you forgot many games like demon soul(not really something to brag about since it's amde by same dev team as the ninja blade guys),quantum theory,Mag,wardevil,.....for 09

On the 360 counterpart, the OMG list for 2009:

* Ninja Blade(don't count too much on that dev team)
* Halo Wars
* Mass Effect 2
* Stoked
* Alan Wake(not exclusive,, on PC)
* All Points Bulletin
* Forza 3 no one knows
* Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope
* Huxley
* Splinter Cell Conviction not an exclusive anymore
* Halo3:ODST(expansion )
* Lionhead Project Dimitri
* Age of Conan really worth mentioning?
* Ninety-Nine Nights 2  lol not something to brag about


South Park (XBLA)
Fallout 3 DLC
GTA4 The Lost and Damned

Fixed,,,,Try harder next time