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Forums - Sony Discussion - Rayman revolution on the Playstation Network.

This is still a rumour but this has been listed on the ESRB listing so it will probably be officialy announced.

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And that while I just bought a new PS2... Rayman Revolution first, many to follow.... I hope...

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Supporter of PlayStation and Nintendo

if you mean they will update the PS3 with PS2 BC,,i don't think it will happen untill either PS3 turns profit or PS2 goes out of production




I don't understand the site, and the OP isn't making things much clearer, so based on the little I can figure, it seems Sony wants to release Rayman 2 Revolution on PSN. Cool. Personally, I would have preferred MDK2, but if the price is right, who knows?

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

I think it's pretty clear: rayman revolution will be available on the playstation network, like many other psone games.

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Tremble said:
I think it's pretty clear: rayman revolution will be available on the playstation network, like many other psone games.

Rayman revo is a PS2 game.


yeah I know, but it still will be a "simple" psn game, like psone games. I wonder if you can play some ps2 games on psp?

Tremble said:
yeah I know, but it still will be a "simple" psn game, like psone games. I wonder if you can play some ps2 games on psp?

On the next PSP, probably. The current one lacks power.


SpartanFX said:
if you mean they will update the PS3 with PS2 BC,,i don't think it will happen untill either PS3 turns profit or PS2 goes out of production



You get it "wrong", they mean through PSN, so downloading the game of course, basically like PS classics.

@Xen, my technological knowledge based on the specifications PS2 vs PSP is 0,0%, but according to many the PSP is more powerful in GFX than the PS2. Don't blame me for saying that but others "before" me. I've no idea if that is true. If so, then PS2 games downloaded from the PSN should be able to play on the PSP. PS classics can be played on the PS3 upscaled as well as on the PSP.

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Supporter of PlayStation and Nintendo

Holy hell. It's a PS2 game?

Backwards compatibility for 40GB confirmed :D

EDIT: Here is a translated link.

Rayman Revolution on PS3?

  • Rayman Revolution vient d'apparaître dans le listing l'ESRB ce qui laisse présager d'une arrivée future sur le Playstation Network. Rayman Revolution has just appeared in the ESRB listing which suggests a future arrival on the PlayStation Network. Si rien n'a encore été confirmé officiellement par Ubisoft, il ya de fortes chances pour que cette nouvelle soit rapidement suivie par un communiqué en bonne et due forme. If nothing has yet been officially confirmed by Ubisoft, it is likely that this is quickly followed by a proper form.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective