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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Best Thing Current Gen Has Brought Us!

Whats the best thing this gen has brought to CONSOLE gaming.

last gen i believe it was Xbox live... nothing else really stands out.


i think most people will say motion sensing. but as i have barely played a wii. (might buy one for christmas maybe) i would have to say achievements.

Yes they can be bad as you get the achievement whores that have 200k plus gamerscore. but for me its good to go over them and see what you have. and its obvious to see what games you really liked etc.

Achievements have increased my playing as i use to get bored of games really quick (still do) but i play for a bit more or play games on the hardest difficulty to get those few more gamerscore points

If they could be used a little better to mould the way you play the game and have it almost impossible to get 1000 points unless you played it to death, then they would be perfect

achievemsents like getting 30 kills with every gun (dead space) etc are great as they do mould the way you play the game. but ones like shoot 30 toilets are just stupid and pointless etc and points for campaign should not exceed 500 max.

so yeah achievements are pretty sweet and i want a wii but i think it has no achievements!!!.

another thing would be wireless controllers. i hope next gen can take it further and wirelessly connect to the tv somehow so all you have is a power cord.

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The only thing that I really like that the current console generation has brought us is LittleBigPlanet.

definitely motion controls. achievements are tiny compared to the revolutionary change that motion control has brought to the industry.

end of '08 predictions: wii - 43 million,  360 - 25 million, ps3 - 20 million


Games I've beat recently: Super Mario Galaxy, Knights of the Old Republic, Shadow of the Collossus


Proud owner of wii, gamecube, xbox, ps2, dreamcast, n64, snes, genesis, 3DO, nes, atari, intellivision, unisonic tournament 2000, and gameboy

patches to fix broken games :)


Motion controls and achievements. Mario Kart and Medal of Honor are both gods, every FPS should use wiimotes.

"achievemsents like getting 30 kills with every gun (dead space) etc are great as they do mould the way you play the game" - love this kind of achievement too.

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online gaming, in its expanded and unified structure for the hd consoles... nintendo needs onto that band wagon

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Motion sensing from both the Wii remote and the balance board are big steps forward for gaming. However, soon Wii motion plus will move beyond the 2 amazing things Nintendo brought us gamers.


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townzy89 said:

Whats the best thing this gen has brought to CONSOLE gaming.

last gen i believe it was Xbox live... nothing else really stands out.


i think most people will say motion sensing. but as i have barely played a wii. (might buy one for christmas maybe) i would have to say achievements.

Yes they can be bad as you get the achievement whores that have 200k plus gamerscore. but for me its good to go over them and see what you have. and its obvious to see what games you really liked etc.

Achievements have increased my playing as i use to get bored of games really quick (still do) but i play for a bit more or play games on the hardest difficulty to get those few more gamerscore points

If they could be used a little better to mould the way you play the game and have it almost impossible to get 1000 points unless you played it to death, then they would be perfect

achievemsents like getting 30 kills with every gun (dead space) etc are great as they do mould the way you play the game. but ones like shoot 30 toilets are just stupid and pointless etc and points for campaign should not exceed 500 max.

so yeah achievements are pretty sweet and i want a wii but i think it has no achievements!!!.

another thing would be wireless controllers. i hope next gen can take it further and wirelessly connect to the tv somehow so all you have is a power cord.


bandai pippin had wireless controllers and that was wayyy back during the first playstation!

the wiimote..and wiimotion plus

those are great

don't forget balance board XD