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bigjon said:

Last Full Week Before Cmas last year (ending dec 22, 2007)

DS- 810k

Wii- 460k

PS3- 330k

360- 200k

Week ending Nov 29, 2008

DS- 780k

Wii- 520k

360- 320k

PS3- 170k


This was THE biggest week all of last year. Basically the same as a week in NOV this year. Cept 360 and PS3 switch spots : ). Seeing that all consoles doubled from the last week in nov to the week b4 cmas last year... I am kinda scared to see what will happen this year. I am almost sure the DS will have a 1 million week alone in others, I think the Wii will be at 850-900 the week b4 cmas... the 360 might be really supply constained do to the crazy sales by that time, might not get much higher than it is(it is tracking the same as the wii was last year, and the wii sold out).


wait wait wait..... the 360 is tracking like the wii last year... damn probably better then any plan they had in place at redmond.... that really might lead to shortages... abad/good thing to happen 

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

Around the Network
Bitmap Frogs said:
~flame said:
NYANKS said:
With the big price difference, is the Sony MS relationship like the one with MS and Apple. MS gets more sales in that biz, but Apple sells very well at a premium price, Sony playing the part of Apple here?


apple is making profit, sony is not.


Crazy profit, to be exact. Apple's GAAP gross margin is 20%.

Anyways, crazy sales.


Nintendo and Microsoft are also in the 20% range.

Sony around 3% and likely a lot less for the upcoming year.


-General_Ram- said:
Max King of the Wild said:
-General_Ram- said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Soriku said:

PS3 dropped? Ouch.


 by 7k in one region. But it also sold lots more in US. I was expecting 350k - 360k this week for the ps3. looks like it will do over 400k so i'm quit happy.


 ur confusing.......ur happy with PS3, despite 360 and WIi beating it handily in Europe, a former Sony stronghold.

Are u ignoring the competition cause no PS3 fan would be "happy" with this news. just saying.


 Man you really are taking this to a whole new level and it's quite annoying.

sorry im just really trying to understand how a PS3 fan could actually be happy with this Europe sales numbers. Its literally boggling the mind.



 probably they have low standards or something.

Playing Assassin's Creed and Resident evil 5 <3

I dont want to be fanboy anymore...Why? it takes to much work but i will call on ppl on there B.S!!!:)

360 actually sold 40k more this week than the Wii did in the same week last year. Nintendo had higher sales thougout the year, and higher demand worldwide, but production was also much higher.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

-General_Ram- said:
Max King of the Wild said:
-General_Ram- said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Soriku said:

PS3 dropped? Ouch.


 by 7k in one region. But it also sold lots more in US. I was expecting 350k - 360k this week for the ps3. looks like it will do over 400k so i'm quit happy.


 ur confusing.......ur happy with PS3, despite 360 and WIi beating it handily in Europe, a former Sony stronghold.

Are u ignoring the competition cause no PS3 fan would be "happy" with this news. just saying.


 Man you really are taking this to a whole new level and it's quite annoying.

sorry im just really trying to understand how a PS3 fan could actually be happy with this Europe sales numbers. Its literally boggling the mind.

look at the sig. Enough said.

Oh and...

Around the Network

These numbers are just crazy. If this is the numbers for this week, what are the next three going to look like. Geez. The NA numbers should be interesting as the numbers they mentioned were still early. They could have grown even larger.


Max nice sig pic

as a sony fanboy, it's a harsh reality when faced with numbers like these.

whatever sony does next year (gt5/gow3), i doubt they'll cut the distance by very much (optimistically, maybe half?)

Passenger57 said:
indodude said:
Xbox 360 ate everything they lost against the PS3.



I'm gonna make this my sig!


Is that a good thing or bad thing? O_o

As a Sony fan, forgive me if I'm not as concerned at the internet seems to think I should be:

PS3 sales are fine. Its still selling the same as last year at a crazy price point. Sales has not decreased that much. Sony needs to make a profit, its alot more important than losing what could be over 1 billion if they have a price cut now. You might not be happy at what the PS3 is selling, but you shouldn't be upset. 170k this week is still alot.

Other than that, great sales for everyone else. Even the PSP =D too bad its software is going to be doggy lol.

I wonder what the PS2 sold this week, 120?