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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Wii owners Secret Santa thread (Post before December 15th to join!)

Excellent to see this up already.

Wii Code: 3408 4121 0572 3618
Country: United States
Controllers: Cube, Classic, Balance Board, Zapper, you name it

And my game profile is already up to date.

Around the Network

i am actually setting my wii up to the internet now, but il state the other stuff.
country: U.S.
contollers: balance board, zapper, gamecube(x3), wiimotes and nunchucks (x4)

Here I go :

Wii Code : 4697 1073 7918 3430
Country : Canada
I have both a GameCube controller and a classic controller. I also have a balance board.

Signature goes here!

I have wireless and my Wii is orange when off 95% of the time. I can download stuff no problem, and I am sure I can send stuff. But will my Wii be able to recieve a gift? If so I would like to sign up :D

Wii code: 1542 1108 3973 8114
Country: USA
Controllers: Game cube, classic, balance board, zapper.....

Around the Network

i would love to join! i just need to get some wii points my code and stuff later once i the points


Really appreciate the invite Diomedes. However I'm to broke to by myself a game, let alone by somebody else one lmao =X :( Maybe next year.

Hawkeye said:
I have wireless and my Wii is orange when off 95% of the time. I can download stuff no problem, and I am sure I can send stuff. But will my Wii be able to recieve a gift? If so I would like to sign up :D

The orange light just means it's on standby, i.e. still hooked up to the internet, etc. The red light comes on when you've held the power button for five seconds: it means the Wii is almost completely off, and is not connected to the 'net.

Oh, and if you can download stuff, you should have no problem receiving anything. You'll get an e-mail from Nintendo saying "such and such has been purchased for you, come download it whenever you want."


Count me in.

Wii Code: 3898-7983-5174-8913
Country: United States
Controllers: Classic, Balance Board, Zapper, Wheel
Game profile is up to date.

My Tag: 2 Timothy 3:1

Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven! (John14:6)

Every second 2 people die . . . What if this is your second?

Me too.

Code: 2179 9028 8008 2492
Country: New Zealand (Best exclusive yet IMO)
Controllers: 2 motes, 1 Chuck, 1 Cube, and one board.
