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Forums - Sales Discussion - Call Of Duty : World At War (COD5) KILLED Resistance 2 Sales!!

One of the big games I am looking forward to in the near future is KZ2, like so many of you. But I have so many worries for this game. Why didn't Sony try and push that game up to get the Holiday sales instead of releasing R2 to mediocre sales? Did they think R2 would be better in Sales? If they had a lot of confidence in KZ2 I think they would have done that. Maybe it was just no where near being finished but it still does give me a lot of worries and it could tank as well.

"If you've got them by the balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Quote by- The Imortal John Wayne, the original BADASS!




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kowenicki said:
@ Xen.. Clutching at straws much?...

it is in stock where it matters.. Game, HMV, Asda, Play, Gamestation etc etc.


Exactly my point koweniciki.


I mean gears had a midnight launch for goodness sake.


I have seen little or no hype on rfom.





Yeah, and internet killed the video star, so what?

If it's any help, CoD WaW will probably outsell Gears 2, as well.

Here's my guess. Hardcore FPS/TPS fans have 360 which means PS3 owners may like FPS but don't feel compelled to buy every one out there. So where 360 shooter fans get both GoW2 and CoD5, PS3 fans are happy with one FPS for the holidays and it's more likely to be the bigger name - CoD:WaW


If I had to guess, R2 debuted to around 50k sold in the UK?

Around the Network
SamuelRSmith said:
Yeah, and internet killed the video star, so what?

If it's any help, CoD WaW will probably outsell Gears 2, as well.

Combined PS3 and 360 sales - yes it will.

PS3 only sales - no

360 only sales - tough call... probably not


thanks for understanding my point..

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

SamuelRSmith said:
Yeah, and internet killed the video star, so what?

If it's any help, CoD WaW will probably outsell Gears 2, as well.


Regardless of that rfom should have been much bigger imo.





This is one game I plan on getting, but I haven't seen it on a shelf anywhere yet, and I've got too many other games to get on with in the meantime so my purchase will be delayed.

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Summary: Why in the hell did sony release Resistance 2 in the same time frame as Call of duty ??? i mean most peolpe i know preffered COD over resistance (most are low on cash, so they chose one game),,, at least delay it for 2 weeks or release early



Currently Playing: Final Fantasy XIII (PS3), White Knight Chronicles (PS3), PES 2010 (PS3), Killzone 2 (PS3)

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