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Forums - Sales Discussion - EUK stores waiting on Resistance 2

the game only ranked 6th in UK... so this is the reason...

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This is not the reason, it was out sold by PS3 COD5 on his 3rd week. Pathetic, i don't think even holidays will help it. This is what happen when you when you go for big numbers (60p multi players) instead of quality graphics.

Chart-track: "the only new entry this week is Sony’s ‘Resistance 2’ on PS3 at No10. This is the follow-up to one of the format holder’s original launch titles ‘Resistance: Fall of Man’ – however launch week sales of ‘Resistance 2’ are only around two-thirds of the original."

@ kowenicki: I thought MS placed some of their titles against KZ2?

kowenicki said:
LBP and Res2 were expected to be big... and well.. they just arent.

How does this bode for KZ2?

I guess at least when that launches it is up against nothing.

I wish that too,but RE5 and SF4 wants you to know their same month release date.

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ah, ps3 releases ^^

No idea, I think it's relatively calm until KZ2 (perhaps WKC which may be delayed I read here and there, but even then, WKC will only be in Japan)


LBP is big (1.5 Million by the end of the year for a new IP like this is great).on the other hand...resistance 2 bombed....oh well

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:

LBP is big (1.5 Million by the end of the year for a new IP like this is great).on the other hand...resistance 2 bombed....oh well

R2 will likely have a better launch week than LBP.

  LBP = 351k
  R2 = 270k + Others numbers


resistance deserved more sales in north america, now europe will determine its faith but im guessin resistance will become a million seller in the next 2 weeks