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Forums - Gaming Discussion - 2009 Last Chance For SONY? Microsoft Domination Continues

Below are some points Sony need to do in 2009 that could turn this generation around for them and they could again dominate the market like in the previous two generations :

1) $100 price cut early next year.It could be $50 in the starting and another $50 in the holiday season but a full $100 in the starting would help them hugely as PS2's launch price was $299 and it was a huge success.We don't know if a full $100 in the starting of the of the year will bring more loses to Sony on each console as they are working very hard to reduce the price of the console.It could also bring them profits.                                                                                                  

2) Money For Trophies

3) Sony takes back multi-platform market

4) MMO’s On Consoles! The End Of Monthly Fees?

5) 360 Has A New Hit Goodbye Ninja Gaiden

6) Release of all the blockbuster tittle that are yet to come to the PS3 that are GT5,FF13,FF13 Versus,God of War 3,Uncharted 2,Infamous,Mag,Heavy Rain.


Also the PS2 success could help them cause a lot of PS2 owners are waiting for the PS3 to be cheaper



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So if PS3 is beaten by 360 in 09 PS3 is dead?

Reall PS3 will be at 20 million & past gamecube soon after.....IT WILL NOT will have a large enough userbase to make games for

oh and with Gt5 coming xmas 09 I wouldn't fear

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

it wouldn't die but the points that I mentioned would make it beat 360 and probably the Wii

its just that the more it sells the more games it will get.Most of the developers today don't develop on the PS3.Most of the games are ports and the exclusives are going muti-platform.


Dude a lot and i mean a lot of time is remaining for this generation to end.The PlayStation brand is far more popular and powerful than the other gaming brands around the world.Why do you think the PS2 is still selling.Once the price goes down the people will stop buying the PS2 and then buy the PS3.The sales then would be huge.

I'm guessing IN game ads for consoles MMOs? PS3 at 299 will outsell 360 vastly, by even a bigger margin PS3 Outsold 360 for the better part of this year,

nothing is going to beat the Wii unless something horrible happens to Nintendo or the manufacturing company totally screws up the Wii's so we make fun of their Red LED of Death or something

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it wouldn't die but the points that I mentioned would make it beat 360 and probably the Wii


 This is the arrogance I just can't stand. Sony will never make it even close to the Wii. Don't you get it? The Wii might sell this week what PS3 sold during a good month in 08. there will be a 21.5 million gap at the end of the year. Thats four million more than the PS3 has sold so far in its life. Sony Fanboys need to wake up.

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...


It seem like 2009 is another 360's time
with its price tag and strong software


it wouldn't die but the points that I mentioned would make it beat 360 and probably the Wii


Come on Red, catching up on the 360 might be ... but beating the wii is not credible ...

Anyhow, the Playstation brand has been severly damaged... and XBOX is now a leader brand as well ...


Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.