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Below are some points Sony need to do in 2009 that could turn this generation around for them and they could again dominate the market like in the previous two generations :

1) $100 price cut early next year.It could be $50 in the starting and another $50 in the holiday season but a full $100 in the starting would help them hugely as PS2's launch price was $299 and it was a huge success.We don't know if a full $100 in the starting of the of the year will bring more loses to Sony on each console as they are working very hard to reduce the price of the console.It could also bring them profits.                                                                                                  

2) Money For Trophies

3) Sony takes back multi-platform market

4) MMO’s On Consoles! The End Of Monthly Fees?

5) 360 Has A New Hit Goodbye Ninja Gaiden

6) Release of all the blockbuster tittle that are yet to come to the PS3 that are GT5,FF13,FF13 Versus,God of War 3,Uncharted 2,Infamous,Mag,Heavy Rain.


Also the PS2 success could help them cause a lot of PS2 owners are waiting for the PS3 to be cheaper