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Forums - Sales Discussion - only 8 percent of holiday buyers were considering the upgrade to a Blu-ray

WiiStation360 said:

Top DVD player sales at Amazon.

6 of the top 10 DVD players at Amazon were Blu-Ray.

Sony's Blu-ray player is the 4th best selling Electronics Item at Amazon.


 While I agree completely Blu Ray sales really got a boost this week I just know the "squad" is going to come after you in full force for using Amazon as a reference.

*wait for the first "seals" comment*

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Euphoria14 said:
WiiStation360 said:

Top DVD player sales at Amazon.

6 of the top 10 DVD players at Amazon were Blu-Ray.

Sony's Blu-ray player is the 4th best selling Electronics Item at Amazon.


 While I agree completely Blu Ray sales really got a boost this week I just know the "squad" is going to come after you in full force for using Amazon as a reference.

*wait for the first "seals" comment*


I fully expect that.

Anecdotal sales from my local Wal-mart = current sales trends.  Amazon sales = meaningless and irrelevant

WiiStation360 said:
Euphoria14 said:
WiiStation360 said:

Top DVD player sales at Amazon.

6 of the top 10 DVD players at Amazon were Blu-Ray.

Sony's Blu-ray player is the 4th best selling Electronics Item at Amazon.


 While I agree completely Blu Ray sales really got a boost this week I just know the "squad" is going to come after you in full force for using Amazon as a reference.

*wait for the first "seals" comment*


I fully expect that.

Anecdotal sales from my local Wal-mart = current sales trends.  Amazon sales = meaningless and irrelevant


 Of course!!! You only just realized that now?

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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goddog said:


"Specifically on the Blu-ray front, the research found that only 8 percent of holiday buyers were considering the upgrade to a Blu-ray player, despite the fact that prices have reached the sub-200 dollar sweet spot."


"Of course, the cost wouldn't be as much of a problem if the perceived value of Blu-ray was higher. Unfortunately for Blu-ray, most people still don't see the change in quality between DVD and Blu-ray to be significant enough to be worth the cost. Many of those that already have an HDTV are perfectly happy with the quality of the DVDs they already have."


so what i get from this article is that, the cost of blueray discs vs dvd is a big hold up, and this cost difference is one of the main reasons that movie studios want a shift, sounds like a bad catch 22 for studios.    though this does explain the slow rise in costs for dvds ive noticed 


Are "those" people the morons that think that anything they connect to their shiny new HDTV is automatically hi-def?  I'm sure most of us around here have seen the consumer surveys showing that people think that all they need to see HD is to buy a HDTV and everything else is automatic.  "I just bought a HDTV.  I own a DVD player.  Therefore I'm watching HD DVDs."

Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.

Interesting... it seemes that here Blu-ray is getting bigger and bigger shelve-space... actually its interestign that in a country where piracy effects over 80% of software sales BRD is getting almost 1/3 as much space as DVDs ;)

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Around the Network
WiiStation360 said:
111 million US households. 8% means about 9 million people possibly upgrading to blu-ray this holiday.

That is larger that the expected number of Wiis sold this Christmas in the US. How is that bad?


Few things:

First, the 9 million assumes that 100% of people who are even considering it actually go ahead with it.  Assuming that even 50% do is probably a generous assumption that will leave it at 4.5M which is much closer to the number of X360's that will sell this holiday.

Second, the Wii is expected to sell more than 9 million units, and very likely more than 10 million.

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