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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Littlebigplanet = LittlebigFlop

It may have not sold the numbers that some here thought it would but ask any of the owners  and most will say it is far from a flop as a game and they are very proud to have it in their collection. If you find it there is a level called Peruvian pothole, i could do with some feedback on it.


 assumption is the mother of all f**k ups 

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Compared to what exactly is it a 'flop', expectations or Infinite Undiscovery?

Expectations maybe but it's on for selling over a million in 6 or 7 weeks. How's Infinite Undiscovery doing? 11 weeks and it's at what exactly? Which cost more to make?

It's been out 5 weeks. Geez, give it some time. So it's no Gears of War 2 but then it's not a shooter and we all know how well generic shooters sell. For a unknown development studio and a risky concept and game format, it's done amazingly.

Hmm, pie.

OK for those who say it flopped, lets look at our checklist

Made a profit - check (and it will make alot more money
Million Seller - I feel confident giving this a preemptive check
Did well enough to warrant a sequel - Check, they're working on a PSP game
Sold as well as some douches on the net thought it would - no check here

3/4 is pretty good

scottie said:
OK for those who say it flopped, lets look at our checklist

Made a profit - check (and it will make alot more money
Million Seller - I feel confident giving this a preemptive check
Did well enough to warrant a sequel - Check, they're working on a PSP game
Sold as well as some douches on the net thought it would - no check here

3/4 is pretty good


 "some" would be checked "all" would not.

If you include the worldwide marketing budget and the large amount of free copies given away with consoles and reduced income from Japanese bundles then I'd be surprised if LBP has made a profit yet. Very very surprised.

Never argue with idiots
They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience

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...ok let me make a guess. About 75% of the gamers are completly uninformed. They dont know about what it comes, they dont follow hypes, they dont know about sales, they dont have a clue in other words.

All my friends around my age (around 30) have PS3's. All they know is Gran Tourismo, Pro evo and emmm....hmm not sure. They pick games by looking the box art. Ofcourse they didnt knew about the existance of LBP, they saw it first time at my place. They love it now.

So give this "LittlebigFlop" some time.

PS: Not everyone buys a game on day 1, last week one colleague of mine came happy in the office one morning tellin me that he got an amazing new PS3 game. He was very exited, I said what you got? And he replied: HAZE!

LOL @ the uninformed.

When a game is praised by the main console company and is supposed to "turn" the entire console war around,and this and it will be huge,and 3.5 million first week sales and then it gets sales like this means its a flop,and yes Too Human was a flop aswell.

"About 75% of the gamers are completly uninformed. They dont know about what it comes, they dont follow hypes, they dont know about sales"

Tell that to the fanboys who over hyped the game in the first place.

Infamy79 said:
If you include the worldwide marketing budget and the large amount of free copies given away with consoles and reduced income from Japanese bundles then I'd be surprised if LBP has made a profit yet. Very very surprised.


Marketing, etc. is money Sony chose to spend.  The posts speaking to a profit are talking about the cost to development for Media Molecule and their return.

If you factor in big marketing costs I'd be curious how much some big 2/3 million sellers do considering they cost a lot more (probably) than LBP which was actually developed with a very small team and had expensive campaigns.

Even allowing for Sony spend I believe that once bundles, etc. kick in the game will easily show a profit.


Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

The hate is strong for Little Big Planet. Only time will tell. look at Uncharted!

It will hopefully reach at least 2 million Lifetime. Certainly not a flop for a new IP.

It does seem though that some posters and indeed Sony themselves had higher hopes for the game, but that doesn't detract from that fact that it will most likely turn a profit and be a commercial success.