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...ok let me make a guess. About 75% of the gamers are completly uninformed. They dont know about what it comes, they dont follow hypes, they dont know about sales, they dont have a clue in other words.

All my friends around my age (around 30) have PS3's. All they know is Gran Tourismo, Pro evo and emmm....hmm not sure. They pick games by looking the box art. Ofcourse they didnt knew about the existance of LBP, they saw it first time at my place. They love it now.

So give this "LittlebigFlop" some time.

PS: Not everyone buys a game on day 1, last week one colleague of mine came happy in the office one morning tellin me that he got an amazing new PS3 game. He was very exited, I said what you got? And he replied: HAZE!

LOL @ the uninformed.