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Well I don't think that Nintendo will ignore an HD console for a really good reason...

Sony & MS will mimic Nintendo and incorporate a Wii style motion control (and not the dumb sixaxis knock off either).. If they did so, then Nintendo would get left behind, and they are too smart to let that happen. By 2011, HD sets will be the norm, so it's only natural for them to follow market demand as it comes.

In other words, it's the king of the hill perfecting an already good product.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


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Comrade Tovya said:
Well I don't think that Nintendo will ignore an HD console for a really good reason...

Sony & MS will mimic Nintendo and incorporate a Wii style motion control (and not the dumb sixaxis knock off either).. If they did so, then Nintendo would get left behind, and they are too smart to let that happen. By 2011, HD sets will be the norm, so it's only natural for them to follow market demand as it comes.

In other words, it's the king of the hill perfecting an already good product.

I think Nintendo will play it by ear... they will get their next generation console ready by 2011, and then they have time to improve upon that until the Wii slows down enough to justify a new release.... perhaps the introduction of the next XB/PS will cause this decline in Wii sales, perhaps they will not affect it too much and the natural decline of old age will slow the Wii.


TWRoO said:
Comrade Tovya said:
Well I don't think that Nintendo will ignore an HD console for a really good reason...

Sony & MS will mimic Nintendo and incorporate a Wii style motion control (and not the dumb sixaxis knock off either).. If they did so, then Nintendo would get left behind, and they are too smart to let that happen. By 2011, HD sets will be the norm, so it's only natural for them to follow market demand as it comes.

In other words, it's the king of the hill perfecting an already good product.

I think Nintendo will play it by ear... they will get their next generation console ready by 2011, and then they have time to improve upon that until the Wii slows down enough to justify a new release.... perhaps the introduction of the next XB/PS will cause this decline in Wii sales, perhaps they will not affect it too much and the natural decline of old age will slow the Wii.



I don't disagree.  All companies play development and marketing by ear.  I am just saying that don't think Nintendo won't adopt HD.  Them adopting HD into the next Wii has nothing to do with Sony or MS.  Those companies didn't invent HD.  HD will exist with or without Sony & MS.  Nintendo WILL adopt HD because the consumer will have fully adopted it by 2011.  HD is a luxury right now, but in 3 years it will be the standard.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


@Munkeh: Yeah, however you like to play.
You used faulty logic considering the Wii HD. It doesn't work that way, that "have no reason not to do it". I bet Nintendo has no reason for not to enter cars industry or construction or make stereos or TV:s etc. In reality you need to have a motive to do something. Nintendo had a reason in the first place for not to make a HD console.
We do know that Wiis successor will be HD (out propably 2012), but we will never see Wii HD.

@mrstickball: You likely understand that losing money as a strategy isn't going to lead far. As a gamer i'm interested in whether the games companies make money or not, since making money is the requirement for getting games in the future.

I do agree that DLC and DD titles have become important for the devs/publishers due to profitability issues, but i would bet that most of the gamers play offline.

As for playing for the high score, the "high score" -type of games are on the Wii. Now, gamerscore isn't a bad idea at all, but there's one general flaw in it; it's essentially a "how many games i've played" list, not really a "high score" list.

"Online" consists from a number of things, but i do understand, that for 360 owners "online" is very limited term.
If you were asking how long does it take with Wii to get to play online, it depends on a game. Brawl takes ages, but for example Mario Kart takes maybe up to 3 minutes to get to play the game. In a friend match, if everything is ready, about a minute less.

Frankly, i wouldn't be happy at all, if SMG of TP would have extra levels for a cost. I would be pissed, for not to have them included into the game in the first place (of course, if the DLC would arrive a year or two after the games initial release, that would change the whole thing).

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

bdbdbd said:
@Munkeh: Yeah, however you like to play.
You used faulty logic considering the Wii HD. It doesn't work that way, that "have no reason not to do it". I bet Nintendo has no reason for not to enter cars industry or construction or make stereos or TV:s etc. In reality you need to have a motive to do something. Nintendo had a reason in the first place for not to make a HD console.
We do know that Wiis successor will be HD (out propably 2012), but we will never see Wii HD.

I didn't mean they will bring out a Wii HD, I just meant Wii 2 will be HD, and the reason not to make an HD one now will not the same reasons in a few years time

Around the Network
Comrade Tovya said:
TWRoO said:
Comrade Tovya said:
Well I don't think that Nintendo will ignore an HD console for a really good reason...

Sony & MS will mimic Nintendo and incorporate a Wii style motion control (and not the dumb sixaxis knock off either).. If they did so, then Nintendo would get left behind, and they are too smart to let that happen. By 2011, HD sets will be the norm, so it's only natural for them to follow market demand as it comes.

In other words, it's the king of the hill perfecting an already good product.

I think Nintendo will play it by ear... they will get their next generation console ready by 2011, and then they have time to improve upon that until the Wii slows down enough to justify a new release.... perhaps the introduction of the next XB/PS will cause this decline in Wii sales, perhaps they will not affect it too much and the natural decline of old age will slow the Wii.



I don't disagree.  All companies play development and marketing by ear.  I am just saying that don't think Nintendo won't adopt HD.  Them adopting HD into the next Wii has nothing to do with Sony or MS.  Those companies didn't invent HD.  HD will exist with or without Sony & MS.  Nintendo WILL adopt HD because the consumer will have fully adopted it by 2011.  HD is a luxury right now, but in 3 years it will be the standard.

Oh there is no question of that, the next Nintendo home console will output in HD resolutions..... but what some analysts are suggesting is that Nintendo will bring out a HD version of the current console, so not really a next gen console but an upgraded Wii. And I think it is a ludicrous idea for them to do that.


@Munkeh: In that case, yes, you are right. Nintendos reason for not to bring a HD console to the market, was to disrupt the industry. Next gen they need to work some new things out.

@Comrade Tovya: 2011 is too early. Since Nintendo is propably planning a new disruption, they need to wait until the competitors are out. From history we know that atleast Sony knows how to copy Nintendos ideas.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

bdbdbd said:
@Munkeh: In that case, yes, you are right. Nintendos reason for not to bring a HD console to the market, was to disrupt the industry. Next gen they need to work some new things out.

@Comrade Tovya: 2011 is too early. Since Nintendo is propably planning a new disruption, they need to wait until the competitors are out. From history we know that atleast Sony knows how to copy Nintendos ideas.


Well, 2011 is just a number that's been thrown out there... I really have no more of idea than any one else.  My point is next generation, whether that be next year or 5 years, or a decade.  Who really knows...

As for Sony knowing how to copy, that's actually pretty funny considering that's generally MS haters biggest accusation against MS.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


TWRoO said:
Comrade Tovya said:
TWRoO said:
Comrade Tovya said:
Well I don't think that Nintendo will ignore an HD console for a really good reason...

Sony & MS will mimic Nintendo and incorporate a Wii style motion control (and not the dumb sixaxis knock off either).. If they did so, then Nintendo would get left behind, and they are too smart to let that happen. By 2011, HD sets will be the norm, so it's only natural for them to follow market demand as it comes.

In other words, it's the king of the hill perfecting an already good product.

I think Nintendo will play it by ear... they will get their next generation console ready by 2011, and then they have time to improve upon that until the Wii slows down enough to justify a new release.... perhaps the introduction of the next XB/PS will cause this decline in Wii sales, perhaps they will not affect it too much and the natural decline of old age will slow the Wii.



I don't disagree.  All companies play development and marketing by ear.  I am just saying that don't think Nintendo won't adopt HD.  Them adopting HD into the next Wii has nothing to do with Sony or MS.  Those companies didn't invent HD.  HD will exist with or without Sony & MS.  Nintendo WILL adopt HD because the consumer will have fully adopted it by 2011.  HD is a luxury right now, but in 3 years it will be the standard.

Oh there is no question of that, the next Nintendo home console will output in HD resolutions..... but what some analysts are suggesting is that Nintendo will bring out a HD version of the current console, so not really a next gen console but an upgraded Wii. And I think it is a ludicrous idea for them to do that.



I know Nintendo wouldn't do that.... that would certainly be ludicrous.  I'm with you in with the guarantee it won't be until next gen.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2


@Comrade Tovya: Yeah, it has been. I believe it was Pachter to be the first to throw the number in (which i believe was the year, when the current manufacturing contracts end). My best bet for Wiis successor to come out is 2012 for three reasons: Iwata stated this year, that it may take four years until Wii sees a pricecut, Iwata stated earlier that Nintendo isn't sticking to 5 years cycle and i believe M$ opens the gen in 2011. Despite Nintendo wanting the competitors to come out earlier, they don't want to give too much headstart for them.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.