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Comrade Tovya said:
Well I don't think that Nintendo will ignore an HD console for a really good reason...

Sony & MS will mimic Nintendo and incorporate a Wii style motion control (and not the dumb sixaxis knock off either).. If they did so, then Nintendo would get left behind, and they are too smart to let that happen. By 2011, HD sets will be the norm, so it's only natural for them to follow market demand as it comes.

In other words, it's the king of the hill perfecting an already good product.

I think Nintendo will play it by ear... they will get their next generation console ready by 2011, and then they have time to improve upon that until the Wii slows down enough to justify a new release.... perhaps the introduction of the next XB/PS will cause this decline in Wii sales, perhaps they will not affect it too much and the natural decline of old age will slow the Wii.