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Forums - Sony Discussion - Who here is tired of 'Sony/PS3 IZ DOOMEDZ' threads?

As a pretty staunch 360 supporter--even I am sick of the PS3 is doomed threads. I really don't think the PS3 is done yet. Sony has made some real mistakes with this machine, but that doesn't make it a bad machine. I do think the PS3 is yet again finding itself in some trouble, but I would not be predicting its demise just yet.

HOWEVER-----If you're going to count the first year of the HD gen as being 3 years ago when the 360 launched, then we are on year 3 of the current gen. The 360 has been the leading HD console the whole time by a pretty big margin. Besides that, they have managed to secure several good quality exclusives, improve the UI, expand their audience to some more family friendly games (my sister even wants a 360 now), and done some really well placed price drops. As all this is happening, the PS3 is still continuing to lose market share. The MGS4 ground that it gained is now all gone.

But I really think God of War 3 will help the PS3. I don't know many people (including myself) who don't love that series.

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your complaining now

were you with us in the awful 06/half of 07 when we had PS3 vs GBA threads

thos were bad times....I mean BAD times....people said PS3 would eb discontinued in 08 back then....we had predictions like MGS4 wouldn't even come out on PS3 n so on!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

*~Onna76~* said:
-General_Ram- said:
well if ur pro-PS3 i can see why ud be tired.

However, as a pro 360 gamer who would like nothing more then to see a giant fall, im pretty pleased.

What good does it do to us in the end? Right, nothing! Nothing but discussions and hate towards each other only because of a stupid gaming platform. We don't get rich by all that, we only make ourselves like fools on websites to hate the living daylight out of one and another and by giving each other and mostly ourselves a headache and a high blood pressure. To be honest, I'd rather have fun and nice talks about games, no matter what platform. I think if we can just respect people's choices when it comes to gaming platforms we can also respect each other more and then this website would be a lot more friendly and most of all a fun place to visit and to post.


Well thats so true! I think a lot of the really nastly people have been banned or driven off the site. Its a lot calmer now than it ever was really. Sometimes I think the executives of these companies are calmer about things than the people here! ^^ Its insane to think the people who actually have to risk it all at work are calmer than a lot of people here.

I personally love to go to the software sales section and check out all of the awesome games which are (hopefully) getting amazing sales. Its really great to see the good work of the passionate people like developers really pay off!



There are as many of threads about PS3 now than there was of "PS3 Domination" and "Xbox 360 is gonna end up in third" then.

Well few months back most of topics were about how Sony and the PS3 will quickly outsell the 360 and chase the Wii for the top spot, or about how good will Sony lineup be, and that Sony's Console is great and it will sell for 20 years bla bla.

So we just have this same amount of topics concerning PS3.

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i'm kind of tired of them but be prepared for much worst this week these ps3 bashing threads will be irrelevant next year


                                                                      Play Me

For the record, I'm am equally sick of the "PS3 will overtake the 360 when ____ comes out." And the "_____ will be the year of the PS3" threads. They are just as stupid and pointless. So far, every PS3 exclusive that has been released was supposed to be the hardware sales savior for the PS3, and none of them have been yet.

EDIT:  And for the record--if/when the 360 does outsell the PS3 this holiday season and widens the sales gap even further, we will probably get a new rash of threads from people who somehow think that the PS3 "won" 2008.  The delusion will continue, even though the numbers usually prove otherwise.  I'm sick of those threads too.  I'm sick of a lot of threads.

not me, I like them.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

For me its getting annoying. I still believe they can recover from this.


So just because idiots posted threads saying "PS3 will destroy 360 etc.." you have to return the favor?
Are you men or are you little kids fighting to see which toy is better? Honestly this is what it seems to be.



360 IS 200 DOLLARS

whats going to sell better? USE YOUR BRAIN.

