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As a pretty staunch 360 supporter--even I am sick of the PS3 is doomed threads. I really don't think the PS3 is done yet. Sony has made some real mistakes with this machine, but that doesn't make it a bad machine. I do think the PS3 is yet again finding itself in some trouble, but I would not be predicting its demise just yet.

HOWEVER-----If you're going to count the first year of the HD gen as being 3 years ago when the 360 launched, then we are on year 3 of the current gen. The 360 has been the leading HD console the whole time by a pretty big margin. Besides that, they have managed to secure several good quality exclusives, improve the UI, expand their audience to some more family friendly games (my sister even wants a 360 now), and done some really well placed price drops. As all this is happening, the PS3 is still continuing to lose market share. The MGS4 ground that it gained is now all gone.

But I really think God of War 3 will help the PS3. I don't know many people (including myself) who don't love that series.