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Forums - Sony Discussion - Who here is tired of 'Sony/PS3 IZ DOOMEDZ' threads?


Gamecube owners put up with it there entire console life and Nintendo Fans put up with it for two console generations.

I think we should start the ""LOL SONY GOING THIRD PARTY!"'" trend now.

Around the Network

I'm actually still quite enthralled by them. Excellent writing, imo. Excellent.

Anyway, yes, take your medicine. Wii owners have to hear everyday about how you guys think their console sucks, ect, and we all have to deal with hearing about how awesome you think your PS3 is. When the sales for your console suck, you're going to get some grim predictions. We're on a sales site, grow accustomed to them, and hope your sales pick up.

That said, you'll never see me actually creating one. Before you go digging through my posting history, save yourself the trouble. I turned a new leaf about 6 months ago.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Max King of the Wild said:
ironmanDX said:
CaptDS9E said:
Just as I was sick of 360 is teh Doomed threads months ago. Then the threads where someone asks a question, and people who don't own the system respond with crap. Happens a lot



360 owners have copped it for a way longer time than this, sure 10-20 posts at once is a little extreme but 360 "fanboys" have been hit more consistantly than this.


 280 posts... you obviously werent here last year.



Maybe he was here. 


Im reading this site since the beggining, but have an account with less than 50 posts, i even see the gaming-age thing back then....




Sick of SackBoy threads

Max King of the Wild said:
ironmanDX said:
CaptDS9E said:
Just as I was sick of 360 is teh Doomed threads months ago. Then the threads where someone asks a question, and people who don't own the system respond with crap. Happens a lot



360 owners have copped it for a way longer time than this, sure 10-20 posts at once is a little extreme but 360 "fanboys" have been hit more consistantly than this.


 280 posts... you obviously werent here last year.

And you...whose account was created on oct 25th of this year....were?

edit: fancy that, this was my 280 post and i've been around since early 07, registered sept 07 tho!!

ymeaga1n said:
Max King of the Wild said:
ironmanDX said:
CaptDS9E said:
Just as I was sick of 360 is teh Doomed threads months ago. Then the threads where someone asks a question, and people who don't own the system respond with crap. Happens a lot



360 owners have copped it for a way longer time than this, sure 10-20 posts at once is a little extreme but 360 "fanboys" have been hit more consistantly than this.


 280 posts... you obviously werent here last year.

And you...whose account was created on oct 25th of this year....were?



lol ;) you never know yameaga




Around the Network

I am tired of hereing about any of the consoles being doomed.

All of the talk about MS or Sony leaving the console market is getting really old. Both companies are selling plenty of consoles, and should sell more than the Gamecube and Xbox combined. Microsoft has been in the black for a few quarters now, and Sony has made the decision to stick with its price, and become profitable. Both have machines that will last well into the future. This generation is nowhere near as bad as last generation. Sony owned over 60% of the market, MS made profit 1 quarter with the launch of Halo 2, and Nintendo while making money was not selling any hardware. To bring up doom in this generation is a joke.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


ymeaga1n said:
Max King of the Wild said:
ironmanDX said:
CaptDS9E said:
Just as I was sick of 360 is teh Doomed threads months ago. Then the threads where someone asks a question, and people who don't own the system respond with crap. Happens a lot



360 owners have copped it for a way longer time than this, sure 10-20 posts at once is a little extreme but 360 "fanboys" have been hit more consistantly than this.


 280 posts... you obviously werent here last year.

And you...whose account was created on oct 25th of this year....were?

edit: fancy that, this was my 280 post and i've been around since early 07, registered sept 07 tho!!


 You should probablly check the sig

Dinomax said:

Gamecube owners put up with it there entire console life and Nintendo Fans put up with it for two console generations.

I think we should start the ""LOL SONY GOING THIRD PARTY!"'" trend now.


i think its more a case of "LOL sony wish they had enough games of their own to go 3rd party LOL"

3RD Party? they have no games to go 3rd party, they are heavily supported by 2nd party companies who will drop them like a bad habit once the ps3 is dead.

Sega have more franchises than you can shake a stick at, thats why they survived without been in the console market

without a console sony will not last 2 minutes in the REAL world

Bottom line________________________________

after all the LBP threads a few weeks ago, this is actually refreshing!

and actually I believe I have seen quite a few of these PS3 doom threads started by PS3 users and fans.... so you can't really complain about these.


Hephaestos said:
after all the LBP threads a few weeks ago, this is actually refreshing!

and actually I believe I have seen quite a few of these PS3 doom threads started by PS3 users and fans.... so you can't really complain about these.

You know what, you're right about that...



Proud member of the Sonic Support Squad.