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Forums - General Discussion - "I wish I had a gun, not a camera." - Mumbai Photographer



Mumbai photographer: I wish I'd had a gun, not a camera. Armed police would not fire back

It is the photograph that has dominated the world's front pages, casting an astonishing light on the fresh-faced killers who brought terror to the heart of India's most vibrant city. Now it can be revealed how the astonishing picture came to be taken by a newspaper photographer who hid inside a train carriage as gunfire erupted all around him.

Sebastian D'Souza, a picture editor at the Mumbai Mirror, whose offices are just opposite the city's Chhatrapati Shivaji station, heard the gunfire erupt and ran towards the terminus. "I ran into the first carriage of one of the trains on the platform to try and get a shot but couldn't get a good angle, so I moved to the second carriage and waited for the gunmen to walk by," he said. "They were shooting from waist height and fired at anything that moved. I briefly had time to take a couple of frames using a telephoto lens. I think they saw me taking photographs but theydidn't seem to care."

The gunmen were terrifyingly professional, making sure at least one of them was able to fire their rifle while the other reloaded. By the time he managed to capture the killer on camera, Mr D'Souza had already seen two gunmen calmly stroll across the station concourse shooting both civilians and policemen, many of whom, he said, were armed but did not fire back. "I first saw the gunmen outside the station," Mr D'Souza said. "With their rucksacks and Western clothes they looked like backpackers, not terrorists, but they were very heavily armed and clearly knew how to use their rifles.

"Towards the station entrance, there are a number of bookshops and one of the bookstore owners was trying to close his shop," he recalled. "The gunmen opened fire and the shopkeeper fell down."

But what angered Mr D'Souza almost as much were the masses of armed police hiding in the area who simply refused to shoot back. "There were armed policemen hiding all around the station but none of them did anything," he said. "At one point, I ran up to them and told them to use their weapons. I said, 'Shoot them, they're sitting ducks!' but they just didn't shoot back."

As the gunmen fired at policemen taking cover across the street, Mr D'Souza realised a train was pulling into the station unaware of the horror within. "I couldn't believe it. We rushed to the platform and told everyone to head towards the back of the station. Those who were older and couldn't run, we told them to stay put."

The militants returned inside the station and headed towards a rear exit towards Chowpatty Beach. Mr D'Souza added: "I told some policemen the gunmen had moved towards the rear of the station but they refused to follow them. What is the point if having policemen with guns if they refuse to use them? I only wish I had a gun rather than a camera."


I have to say I wish he had had a gun instead of a camera as well.  Kind of sickening to think a policeman would sit there and do nothing while this was going on.  Honestly I'm not even sure that I believe just seems unreal...the whole thing is unreal though.

To Each Man, Responsibility
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This is the most bizarre thing I've ever heard. What are the police good for if they can't help the public against people who are terrorists?

Holy shit... this will probably be looked into. Can't wait to find out why they did not return fire.

The Doctor will see you now  Promoting Lesbianism -->


u guys have a lot to learn about police in india its not like our western countries. My parents used to tell me so much fuked up shit about the indian police. Google operation blue star the police aided in the torrorism of my people


The police look to be untrained.

You just can't hand guns to people never used one before and expect them to shoot stuff that are shooting back.

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check out this early camera dsign :D

I bet that if he had a gun he would just hide =P, it's not like the dead policemen didn't dropped any guns.

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"

K guys, im an Indian, and i can vouch for the police's incompetence.
Mumbai police is good at nabbing thieves or pick pockets, but terrorists? Hell no.
These guys probably werent even trained enough to believe they could hit the terrorists even if they shot as the lower level patrol men dont undergo any kind of training( physical or fire-arms)
Indian police is worthless, trust me, this isnt the worst thing ive seen them do

"The accumulated filth of all their sex and murders will foam up about their waist and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"...

 ....and I'll look down and whisper  "no."  

                                                                   - Rorschach

JPSandhu said:
u guys have a lot to learn about police in india its not like our western countries. My parents used to tell me so much fuked up shit about the indian police. Google operation blue star the police aided in the torrorism of my people


Operation blue star was a big failure, but again the golden temple at that point seized to be a religious place when it harboured ammunition and terrorists. Both the police and the temple authorities were wrong. Its easy to blame the Indian army and police but you have to realise indians deal with unfriendly neighbours on either side, pakistan and china so they do the best they can. You cant expect a guy to fight for your life when you underpay them, undertrain them and undereducate them.  Would you be willing to risk your life for say $150-200 a month?


yup.. i didnt think so

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a. a AAA 3D sonic title

b. a nintendo developed game that has a "M rating"

c. redesgined PS controller

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Police are kinda useless these days...

4 ≈ One