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Forums - Sony Discussion - So I replaced my PSP

You can't go wrong with Disgaea and Final Fantasy Tactics, even if you had played them before, especially FFT, it was an excellent port (retranslation/online).

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Outrun 2006 and Megaman Powered Up.

Proud member of the Sonic Support Squad.

I recommend God of War, it's the first game that i bought and it's awsome!

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naznatips said:

PS: Yes, this means I own all consoles and handhelds and a gaming PC, and yes, that means I'm better than you.


Just the fact that you need others to decide what games to buy means you recognize their judgement as better than yours and thus you not being better than them....


On an other note:

I dunno but recently I us my PSP really on the Go and I found puzzlequest to be great at that (auto saves every 5 secs).


WipEout Pulse is incredbile

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outlawauron said:
Wipeout is fun, fast paced racer.

Star Ocean 1 is pretty fun (this one never came to America).

As much as I think you won't like it, but Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core was really fun. Give it a try.

God of War: Chains of Olympus


He played the Japanese version and didn't like the game being more action then RPG and lack of exploration.  So no go on that.

Naz as well as I hate God of War, so he like I may play it to see what the fuss is about but most likely will be like me and just have more fuel to hate the series.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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Final Fantasy Tactics : War of the Lions


'Nuff said.

Glad to hear you got yourself a new PSP, Naz.

Since you seem to like SRPG (Jeanne D'arc on your list), I would recommend Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lion War. Another SRPG on my radar is Yggdra Union, which is a remade of GBA game. currently discount this game for $19.99, sounds like a bargain to me.
You can skip Disgaea: Afternoon of Darknes on PSP, because you've bought the DS version.

Patapon is my favorite game on PSP, I can't wait to play Patapon 2 and really look forward to the PS3 version.

It (PS3's market share) might hit 30%, but definently not more. ~ Neo

Flaming (Calling another user (any user) a fanboy is flaming.) ~ Machina-AX


Loco Roco