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Forums - Gaming Discussion - This Gen sucks....

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I judge gens by how much fun i have, and honestly, im having as much fun if not more then the nes/snes days, i wouldnt be gaming if it was not fun.

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

WessleWoggle said:
goddog said:
I judge gens by how much fun i have, and honestly, im having as much fun if not more then the nes/snes days, i wouldnt be gaming if it was not fun.



You're having as much or more fun than NES/SNES? Oh my...

I can't do that, since I was a child those days, I was unjaded. Now I've yet to find a game that provides me NEW fun. Same old kind of funs from N64/Ps1 gens, rehashed, without adding enough to them.

Only NEW fun I've found this gen was the Wii, but I've yet to see enough done with it to justify saying this gen is as fun as back then. Also, Portal was cool, that was new fun, I'd like more games like that. Halo 3 was old fun but I felt they improved it enough because it's got a button layout that makes me a beast, and I enjoy the physics, and theater mode. LBP looks like it could provide me with a lot of fun, but I've barely played it

Only during my first few days with the Wii and my experiences with those three games did I find the potential for fun in my jaded mind. With the addition of motion plus to the Wii I can imagine having as much fun as back then, but not currently.


as was I, but maybe its because i can buy the games i want now, or maybe its the greater selection. or more multiplayer, i dont know, deadrising, crackdown were both very much surpirses and lots of fun. portal was very cool. viva pinata is a gateway drug... ive got a few female friends into gaming with that title. the outfit though maimed by developer not careing about the game has a very fun multiplayer, i hope ti see that idea executed again.  and co-op for mercs 2 is awsome, if only to goof around in with friends.

im sorry but the wii did not live up to the hype for me, I gave mine to my little sister/grand parents, i might get one again when motion plus comes out, hopefully that will have a mario game for it too.

im going to say crackdown is the most fun, and best executed superhero game ive ever played 

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

Godot said:
bouzane said:
Two failed attempts at gaming PCs and the Gamecube 1.5 hardly cut it. This console generation is terrible so far but it's hardly fair to compare it to any other due to the fact that it isn't even half over yet. Even my favorite console generations had slow starts so it's not yet the time to complain.

Are you a PC gamer?

This generation rules. I had not owned 2 consoles in a generation since the SNES/genesis generation. The Wii is amazing and the best social console you could ever find. On the other side, you have the PS3/360 that both have a great library of games.

The only problem so far is that the RPG are not as good as last gen and that Square Enix seems to be dying.

I play PC, console, and handheld games. My problem with this gen is that there are too many sequels and it's getting a tad pricey. For me, this is the first console generation since the second that I did not purchase multiple consoles. In fact, if it wasn't for MGS4 and LBP I wouldn't own a console at all.


PS. I'm sick of the morons who call me an elitist or a snob because I don't gush over the sequels and remakes that largely constitute this console generation. 

This gen only sucks because the faults of each system are amplified x1000 when fanboys keep complaining about them.

Games are more expensive, but barely last a week, and the industry as a whole suffered from a loss of focus. It has taken a few years, but all these complaints should be done with by some time next year.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

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This has been the best gen. so far. Just thinking about the games that I have played in the last six months seals the idea in my head.

Ds is greatest console (handheld) in this Gen...

And looking at my game collection isnt going to determine my sense of gaming..

i just don't like this gen because the games are getting to much of the same as previous games...not all but most

I completely agree this gen sucks big time for me. PS2 FTW BEST CONSOLE EVER the ps1 was awesome too.

leo-j said:
My ps3 is amazing, best gen so far imo, there are so many games, that I cant keep up, and Ive run out of money.

Same here, except I wouldn't call this the best gen. The fifth generation is imo. The PS3 has provided me with months and months of entertainment, and it looks like that is no going to stop anytime soon with games coming out such as White Knight Chronicles and Resident Evil 5. There are so many games coming out this holiday season that my wallet is hurting. This gen was the first where I spend most of my time online gaming. Free on PSN.

The greatest Gen for me was the N64/ps1...

So many great games for each console..

the main problem for me this gen is that i feel like i been playing the same game with just different art style..

but thats just me...

the Wii i had fun
the 360 i had fun
the ps3 i had fun

key word "had"
this whole gen is becoming who can make the best looking game..Devs need to realize that gamers want a great game with a good storyline, and gameplay..
havent seen a game this gen that had a storyline that made me say wow