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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Best fighting series, CAST YOUR VOTES

Tekken °Eddy Gordo°

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I prefer Super Smash Bros. by far.


I am not really very good in most games (i'm just decent), but I do pretty good due to strategies/tactics (some would call it being a coward though). In most fighting games, I find it too hard to use tactics to outsmart my opponent and such. That's where Smash really shines.

The other titles are great, and I see their appeal, but, honestly I feel that the best player will win almost every single time (of course, this may not be the case in all of them, and it may just be me playing with people who are much better/much worse only).

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

this is my opinion from best to worst


Street Fighter = Best from the start and always has = 12

WTF where is king of fighters.... = 11

WTF where is guilty gear (ggx2 was the best so i'm basing it on that) = 10

Tekken (as much as i hate tekken and hate how unblanced it is, from the list you got it) = 9

Soul Calibur = 8 or 7 (Soul cal kinda sucks now, very unbalanced)

Super smash bros (lol has to be a joke but it is a fighting game so i give it) = 7 to 8

Virtual Fighter (sorry VF havent played you to much so i had to give it a lower score)= 6

Dragonball z (lol i like the dbz games, good fun but not the best) =5

naruto = (havent played naruto to much but from what i've played) = 4

Mortal kombat (lol cant decide which is worse DOA or MK, weeelll MK was alright on sega sooo) = 3

Dead or Alive = (was always terrible) = 2

smackdown (again another joke) = 1

Smash. There aren't any other fighting games--it's THE fighting game

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

Tekken definitely.

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i read all the posts and all i have to say is


only few say street fighter or KOF are the best, ... why is SF dead!!

so i guess no old school fighters on this forum :(

lol i guess the killer insticnt fans are old school...but that game is so unpolished even to MK

i know its your opinion but smash being the best??...WTF smash is good, very simple like SF but can be really deep but no where near as good even to tekken.

shinsa said:

i read all the posts and all i have to say is


only few say street fighter or KOF are the best, ... why is SF dead!!

so i guess no old school fighters on this forum :(

lol i guess the killer insticnt fans are old school...but that game is so unpolished even to MK

i know its your opinion but smash being the best??...WTF smash is good, very simple like SF but can be really deep but no where near as good even to tekken.

It seems to be a race between Tekken and Smash.   As is said above I pick Tekken.  I'm actually surprised anything has gotten as many votes as smash on vgchartz. Good stuff.


NYANKS said:
shinsa said:

i read all the posts and all i have to say is


only few say street fighter or KOF are the best, ... why is SF dead!!

so i guess no old school fighters on this forum :(

lol i guess the killer insticnt fans are old school...but that game is so unpolished even to MK

i know its your opinion but smash being the best??...WTF smash is good, very simple like SF but can be really deep but no where near as good even to tekken.

It seems to be a race between Tekken and Smash. As is said above I pick Tekken. I'm actually surprised anything has gotten as many votes as smash on vgchartz. Good stuff.


lol yea i expected 90% of the votes to be smash, but never expected aot to be tekken. i was sure alot of people would have said SF with out a doudt....why is SF dead :(...thank god for SF4...


i'm not that old, i'm only 19!! lol


NYANKS said:
shinsa said:

i read all the posts and all i have to say is


only few say street fighter or KOF are the best, ... why is SF dead!!

so i guess no old school fighters on this forum :(

lol i guess the killer insticnt fans are old school...but that game is so unpolished even to MK

i know its your opinion but smash being the best??...WTF smash is good, very simple like SF but can be really deep but no where near as good even to tekken.

It seems to be a race between Tekken and Smash.   As is said above I pick Tekken.  I'm actually surprised anything has gotten as many votes as smash on vgchartz. Good stuff.


Still? Didn't you make the MK64 vs Crash racing, and Crash racing was generally considered better by the people on VGChartz.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

It has to be SmashBros.