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this is my opinion from best to worst


Street Fighter = Best from the start and always has = 12

WTF where is king of fighters.... = 11

WTF where is guilty gear (ggx2 was the best so i'm basing it on that) = 10

Tekken (as much as i hate tekken and hate how unblanced it is, from the list you got it) = 9

Soul Calibur = 8 or 7 (Soul cal kinda sucks now, very unbalanced)

Super smash bros (lol has to be a joke but it is a fighting game so i give it) = 7 to 8

Virtual Fighter (sorry VF havent played you to much so i had to give it a lower score)= 6

Dragonball z (lol i like the dbz games, good fun but not the best) =5

naruto = (havent played naruto to much but from what i've played) = 4

Mortal kombat (lol cant decide which is worse DOA or MK, weeelll MK was alright on sega sooo) = 3

Dead or Alive = (was always terrible) = 2

smackdown (again another joke) = 1