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Forums - Sony Discussion - Why I dislike Sony: Long Post

I have a Sony Vaio that's the most reliable computer I've ever had..and I use it, literally, for hours every single day.

The Dreamcast...come on...really I know it was fun while it lasted but there are too many people on here that just can't get over the past.

The controller argument is the worst and most hilarious part about this thread. What'd you expect..buttons on the back of the controller?? All controllers in one for or another resemble all other controllers..this is the worst argument I've heard in a very, very, VERY long time.

The PSP is close though..what'd you expect, really? The D-pad in the middle of the screen and 2 buttons on either side?

This thread fails.

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Jo21 said:
SmokedHostage said:
It's amazing how damage control exploded in this thread..


it's not damage control it's just to easy to respond ;)

since your "facts" aren't facts.


 I never said they were facts.. did I?

Pixel Art can be fun.

SmokedHostage said:
Jo21 said:
SmokedHostage said:
It's amazing how damage control exploded in this thread..


it's not damage control it's just to easy to respond ;)

since your "facts" aren't facts.


 I never said they were facts.. did I?


true, but you present them as if, neither said they were opinions :P

Allgameconsoles said:
Its a shame Sony wasted a good console. We all wanted to to be the best but with poor management, poor titles (for the most part) poor ports, less graphics (720p) they where doomed.

They paid alot of advertising $ for some high review score but peopl are getting apprehensive, the PS3 Forum is fixed as they delete all negative threads to make all seem rosey. MGS4 is still so cool though.

Now there special for example is people with not as good credit have to pay more for it, and the promotion of two people staring at a brick wall , saying, "Whats on your list" makes me want to pull my hair out..
x12celtics3 is a stalker.


Poor titles? The PS3 lineup is every bit as good as the 360s. Please don't give me metacritic figures to say otherwise. In the end, it's opinion.

Poor ports? Every single 360-PS3 port (okay, 9/10) have been superior on PS3. Oblivion, BioShock, Eternal Sonata. All updated. The only port on PS3 which was worse than the original wa The Orange Box.

Less graphics? The PS3 supports 1080p. Quite a few of the games support 1080p. Pretty much every game upscales to 1080p.

Sony did not pay money for any review scores. Why on earth would they do that? They're not making the games, are they? And if they did moneyhat reviewers, I'd say they did a pretty horrible job of it.

Obviously people can't bash the PS3 in the PS3 forum, it's a PS3 forum. Don't use it if you don't like it.

People with not as good credit have to pay more for it? What?


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective


keep it to yourself,,,lot's of people in this world don't like lots of stuff,,,but they keep it to themselves,,,,btw Sony gave life to console gaming industry (growth wise)




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Indeed Spartan, but isn't it just fun to open up another anti Sony thread? Oh goody, lets troll again, like people have nothing better to do like er... game? I hate Bush, but its not like I open a thread to mention that. I hate discrimation, war, poverty and to me its a better reason to mention that in a thread than like the so many amount of anti Sony thread which we encounter. But ironically enough no one would care.

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