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Forums - Sales Discussion - Why reports of the decline of the PS3 have been grossly exaggerated.

The games division is running at a loss currently.

Sony needs to ensure that the PS3 ends like the Gamecube - in 3rd place but still making money. A price cut would please fanboys, but not stockholders

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I think 2009 will be the most interesting year of this entire generation.

JGarret said:
I think 2009 will be the most interesting year of this entire generation.

Maybe. When Sony starts cutting costs in order to survive, PS3 fans will be begging for SCE not to be affected. Asking for price cuts now is just asking for trouble. I can imagine shareholders demanding that Sony stop the bleeding.

Isn't it better for Sony to just save those $500 million to R&D for the PS4?


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

NJ5 said:
JGarret said:
I think 2009 will be the most interesting year of this entire generation.

Maybe. When Sony starts cutting costs in order to survive, PS3 fans will be begging for SCE not to be affected. Asking for price cuts now is just asking for trouble. I can imagine shareholders demanding that Sony stop the bleeding.

Isn't it better for Sony to just save those $500 million to R&D for the PS4?



 Who's saying that some of the losses right now isn't from the Ps4?

Max King of the Wild said:
NJ5 said:
JGarret said:
I think 2009 will be the most interesting year of this entire generation.

Maybe. When Sony starts cutting costs in order to survive, PS3 fans will be begging for SCE not to be affected. Asking for price cuts now is just asking for trouble. I can imagine shareholders demanding that Sony stop the bleeding.

Isn't it better for Sony to just save those $500 million to R&D for the PS4?



 Who's saying that some of the losses right now isn't from the Ps4?

I'm not talking about the current losses, I'm talking about the $500 million the price cut would cost.

Some of their employees are probably working on the PS4, so you'd be correct. That doesn't really affect my point though.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

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Squilliam said:

What we're seeing with PS3 sales isn't some end of days phenomenom. All we're seeing is that the number of people who are willing and able to purchase a PS3 at the price of $400 being tapped out, and thus a pricecut is required to stimulate sales again. Thats pretty much it. Sure there are still people who will buy at that price, but the numbers of those people will decline especially after the rush this year so obviously a price cut is needed.

But how can SCE afford such outlanding expenses such as a price cut in these harsh times?

If we assume everythings in U.S dollars for a moment, and that Sony sells 10,000,000 PS3s with a price cut. At $400, they would have recieved $4,000,000,000 of revenue whilst at $350 it would be $3,500,000,000. A shortfall of about $500,000,000 (Im assuming the same number sold because I don't want to complicate things)

Killzone 2, Uncharted 2, MAG, Gran Turismo 5, God of War III, the agency.

If you could think of a reason these games will sell fewer than 15,000,000 combined on a userbase approaching the 30,000,000 mark please raise your hand and tell me. Now thats out of the way, if you assume a publisher cut of $38 per game that gives you a total revenue of: $570,000,000 minimum.

So the PS3 needs a price cut to stimulate sales, fact. The PS3 can afford a pricecut because this is likely to be the biggest year for sales for SCE on the PS3 for a while and even with a crappy exchange rate one can easily subsidise the other.

The end. What do you think?





/raises hand with red flags...

I have a few reasons

A) Userbase is approaching 20 million.. won't hit 30 million till the next holiday.. so not all the games mentioned will have that big of a userbase
B) Killzone 2 could pull Resistance 2.. but even being generous it won't beat Call of Duty WoW sales
C) Uncharted 2 could pull a Motorstorm 2
D) MAG could very well end up like Frontlines..
G) The Agency... MMO...

On the other hand GoW3 and GT5 will be huge... my guess is a combined 8 million between the two of them..

My guess all 6 games mentioned will sell 10-12 million combined by Jan 2010


Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


Every year is the year of PS3.........

Sony needs to cut price right now if they want to be on this race, Microsoft is winning not only share, but consumer recognition as well .

Is amazing how people talk about the 360, now the playstation brand is on two fronts war.



Sick of SackBoy threads

DAMN YOU SQUILLIAM if you make threads like this what purpose do users like me have ?

HUH !?

I personally don't really care if PS3 comes first, second, or last.

All I care is that good games keep coming for the PS3 and that it becomes profitable so we see a Playstation 4.

Playstation 3 owner since December 25th, 2006

It's only natural to feel pity for the underdog but Sony in my opinion deserves none for the PS3. They were arrogant at the start of this generation when people questioned its price so it's not like their current situation couldn't have been avoided. They also used loyal Playstation gamers to win the format war. And they did developers absolutely no favors by making them have to spend even more time and money figuring out the PS3 when HD development is already expensive enough.

As for this thread I think the PS3 is having serious problems that will only get worse next year. People can list games like Killzone 2 but I'm willing to bet they won't do a thing to help the PS3 and the PS3's big guns will all come too late (much like everything else when it comes to the PS3). Also you can bet Microsoft will be there at every turn to counter whatever Sony does bring out. If people think the doom and gloom is bad now wait until the numbers for November and December are in.