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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What do you guys think is the most popular review website?

its gotta be IGN

Playstation 3 owner since December 25th, 2006

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I use IGN, but it probably is Gamespot.

without a doubt IGN

Gamespot is definitely the most used. According to Wikipedia, it's gotten over 60 million hits.

IGN probably comes second, and is the most unbiased and highest quality.

I remember back when you could trust Gamespot, back when they were good.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Probably Gamespot, I mainly go to IGN though.

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I think as far as reliability is concerned you need to have read previous reviews by the critic/reviewer to know whether or not you agree to his opinions. I think a slight bias is always present and sometimes there is downright fanboyism.


ZenfoldorVGI said:
I'm almost 100 percent sure that Gamespot gets more hits than IGN(and IGN are far larger than just videogames).

So, yes, far and away gamespot is the most popular, and the most read.

The most respected by our little clique?


Though, I dislike IGN. I feel their system based review teams lead to fanboyism and cop-outs like with the R2/G2 reviews.

It wasn't a cop out. Do you think somebody sent them a letter saying "Which is better, R2 or GeOW 2?"

If they did, they would probably get the standard reply "They are on different systems in different genres and cannot be compared"

Which is true, right? You can't compare 007: From Russia With Love to Halo, you can't compare Gran Turismo to MotorStorm. Of course, some people will prefer one, some the other.

The review system exists to compare games in the same genre. Not to settle a fanboy debate about how Xbox 360 shooter is better/worse than PS3 Shooter just because they happen to be released in the same week.

How was it a cop out? Those reviews were written by different people, each reviewer really liked the game they reviewed. I doubt they were on the phone saying "Hey, what did you give completely unrelated game so I know what score to give to game"

And you forgot about how IGN are anti-Nintendo morons for giving Wii Music a 5 (Let's forget about how they gave Super Mario Galaxy a 9.7, shall we?)


(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

IGN, the most credible
dont know about number of hits.
Rarely go to gamespot.

Think for yourself, question authority

the answers ign but i was going to make a thread bout which site gives out the best reviews i'll us this time to tell a lil story since most think ign is not bias gamespot's NFS undercover and Shaun White snowboarding r better reviewed than ign's i played SWS and it's definitely not a 7.1 GS has it at 5 which is on track and GS has NFSUndercover at 6.5-7 compared to ign's 4-5 which is just ridiculous

If u look at NFS most wanted on ign in clearly says on the X360 review that it's the best version cause it's got hd graphics and online and day&night cycle which i agree so why then do the ps2 and GC get 8.5 with no day&night cycle online and good graphics wats up with that ign

Back on topic ign is most popular because of all the content is has with games movies phone stuff but that doesn't make it the best and the best is wat u want to be


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Ign or Gamespot