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Forums - Sony Discussion - From what i heard resistance 2 is best first person shooter this year.

Left 4 Dead or R2? I think both are really good games but I love zombies so I have to go with L4D. I still play Dead rising on occasion (one of my favorites still).

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Garnett said:
FPSrules said:
dallascowboysfan101 said:

I heard that resistance 2 is best fps this year. Do you think so


Resistance 2 WON 2 awards at E3. they are E3 2008 Best FPS, and E3 Best Online awards. All FPS presented at E3 were eligible for the award such as CODWAW and Far cry 2, as for the online there was a ton of competition such as Spore, Gears, CODwaw, LittleBigPlanet, Killzone, and much more.


it is the best FPS this year, and there are plenty of reasons why, the diverstiy of the enemies, the scale of the maps and enemies, the creative weapons/tools at your disposal, a deep long story line, and much more. Lets not forget the 8 player co-op and 60 (yes 60) player online, 30 VS 30 is sick.

GTA 4 was lots of awards and recieved better awards,does that mean its better than R2?????


and 60 playe online is good for console but its really old :p


*Leans over to whisper in ear*

Psst... did you miss the part where this thread was about FPS games and how R2 won a "Best FPS of 2008" award?

Where did GTA IV come from?


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World at War has better single player and multiplayer.

Feniris said:

IMO,  and having the expertise of playing FPS for over a decade now,  none of the FPS are top notch.  Again, IMO,  out the bunch, Far Cry 2 is the best....but not by much,  R2,L4D,and COD: WAW are all very good games.


Good lord... Far Cry 2 is terrible.  Stay away from that game.

Ari_Gold said:
you heard wrong, its the most overrated FPS of the year




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Ender said:
Feniris said:

IMO,  and having the expertise of playing FPS for over a decade now,  none of the FPS are top notch.  Again, IMO,  out the bunch, Far Cry 2 is the best....but not by much,  R2,L4D,and COD: WAW are all very good games.


Good lord... Far Cry 2 is terrible.  Stay away from that game.


Off-Topic - Pujols did not deserve MVP.


On topic - I am going to be getting R2 in the mail soon from Gamefly so i'll give my opinion on how it ranks.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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It's the best FPS I played this year on the PS3. There is a lot of replay value and an overwhelming amount of enemies. The single player is solid. I loved the creepy parts. The multiplayer has a few flaws like overpowered weapons. Far Cry 2 was annoying. World at War didn't blow me away. Played in on the 360.

FPSrules said:
dallascowboysfan101 said:

I heard that resistance 2 is best fps this year. Do you think so


 Resistance 2 WON 2 awards at E3. they are E3 2008 Best FPS, and E3 Best Online awards. All FPS presented at E3 were eligible for the award such as CODWAW and Far cry 2, as for the online there was a ton of competition such as Spore, Gears, CODwaw, LittleBigPlanet, Killzone, and much more.


it is the best FPS this year, and there are plenty of reasons why, the diverstiy of the enemies, the scale of the maps and enemies, the creative weapons/tools at your disposal, a deep long story line, and much more. Lets not forget the 8 player co-op and 60 (yes 60) player online, 30 VS 30 is sick.



I haven't played R2, so I have no opinion on its overall quality, but do you realize that E3 awards are a bit like awards for the best movie trailer?

It's easily the best 3D shooter of this sort I have played so far. All shooter loving PS3 owners, you got to have this game! You will experience huge scale battles like you have probably never experienced before in a shooter game!

People can nitpick over minor imperfections or graphics details (which are still excellent for this game overall), not polished up to the level compared like a few top large budget shooters moving around in relatively small linear areas, but what would you expect? This game is in an entirely different league in terms of scale and on-screen activity. But most importantly extremely fun to play!

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

If I wanted to get a lot of 360 fanboys to review a PS3 game, I would read Kotaku not this thread.

I would really like to play L4D. I may pick it up for the pc if a PS3 port doesn't come out next year. I have played through R2's campaign twice and logged 75+ hours of coop and mp. I can say that it is the best FPS released on the PS3 this year. I do not have access to a 360, so I can't compare R2 to any 360 only games.

Thanks for the input, Jeff.