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Garnett said:
FPSrules said:
dallascowboysfan101 said:

I heard that resistance 2 is best fps this year. Do you think so


Resistance 2 WON 2 awards at E3. they are E3 2008 Best FPS, and E3 Best Online awards. All FPS presented at E3 were eligible for the award such as CODWAW and Far cry 2, as for the online there was a ton of competition such as Spore, Gears, CODwaw, LittleBigPlanet, Killzone, and much more.


it is the best FPS this year, and there are plenty of reasons why, the diverstiy of the enemies, the scale of the maps and enemies, the creative weapons/tools at your disposal, a deep long story line, and much more. Lets not forget the 8 player co-op and 60 (yes 60) player online, 30 VS 30 is sick.

GTA 4 was lots of awards and recieved better awards,does that mean its better than R2?????


and 60 playe online is good for console but its really old :p


*Leans over to whisper in ear*

Psst... did you miss the part where this thread was about FPS games and how R2 won a "Best FPS of 2008" award?

Where did GTA IV come from?


iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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